“Oh. Well, how about this one?” She scoots over to a box labeled LENOX and looks my way again. “We should push it together!” “No, no, no!” my dad says, then pulls her up by the arm. “Why don't you run along home? Your mother's probably wondering where you are.” This was the beginning of my soon-to-become-acute awareness that the girl cannot take a hint. Of any kind. Does she zip on home like a kid should when they've been invited to leave?No. She says, “Oh, my mom knows where I am. She said it was fine.” Then she points across the street and says, “We just live right over there.”
ReadingMarathonBar 回复 @1582784cnbk: 您好,这本书的特色就是分别从男女视角写的
zip on这里是什么意思啊
ReadingMarathonBar 回复 @易只轩: 可入群一起学习
ReadingMarathonBar 回复 @张小慧呀: 谬赞谬赞,不敢不敢
ReadingMarathonBar 回复 @达纳卓嘎:
ReadingMarathonBar 回复 @东篱小老头: 谢谢点评
ReadingMarathonBar 回复 @筏酱: 谢谢鼓励
ReadingMarathonBar 回复 @流光飞舞z:
ReadingMarathonBar 回复 @迪西2002: 谢谢鼓励,已化作动力努力进步