1-03 Down By The  Bay

1-03 Down By The Bay

当这套书的样书摆在我的面前时,说实话,我真的非常喜爱。安妮鲜花老师选取的儿歌,真的都太好听了,我这样一个大人,都禁不住摇摆着身体跟着哼唱,而且从美国Twin Sisters公司引进的白金唱片的儿歌无论从曲调制作到音频质量都无可挑剔;清新可爱的绘画风格,百翻不厌的洞洞书,专为亲子互动准备的闪卡,再配备Flash,给宝宝*美好的“磨耳朵”时光。
  • Joyce君君

    Where the watermelons grow, Back to my home,I dare not go, For if I do,My mother will say, Have you ever see a sanke baking a cake? Down by the bay. Down by the bay, Where the watermelons grow, Back to my home,I dare not go, For if I do,My mother will say, Have you ever see a frog walking his dog?

    罗斯福爱吃螺蛳粉 回复 @Joyce君君: 太感谢啦

  • 1592523soyg

    For if i do, My mother will say, "have you ever seen a snake baking a cake/ a frog walking his dog/ a mouse painting his mouth / a cat wearing a hat/a pig doing a jig/a cow going bow-wow/a fish eating from a dish, down by the bay."

  • 听友122630684


  • 听友114367982


  • 悠悠然2012

    Down by the bay where the watermelons grow, back to my home I dare not go. For if I do, my mother will say: "Have you ever seen a snake baking a cake down by the bay?"

    罗斯福爱吃螺蛳粉 回复 @悠悠然2012: 这个版本更全

  • 国城玮

    Where the watermelons grow, Back to my home,I dare not go, For if I do,My mother will say, Have you ever see a sanke baking a cake? Down by the bay. Down by the bay, Where the watermelons grow, Back to my home,I dare not go, For if I do,My mother will say, Have you ever see a frog walking his dog?

  • Emily_果果

    挺好听的 挺喜欢 挺好的

    九晞美迹 回复 @Emily_果果: ^_^ w l lo mo s p

  • 1314爱YU

    Where the watermelons grow, Back to my home,I dare not go, For if I do,My mother will say, Have you ever see a sanke baking a cake? Down by the bay. Down by the bay, Where the watermelons grow, Back to my home,I dare not go, For if I do,My mother will say, Have you ever see a frog walking his dog?

  • 傅歆怡


  • 1509866qmgu
