This 动物叫啥名~杨妈双语故事

This 动物叫啥名~杨妈双语故事

Hello my fellow classmates, my name is Zhaomiao. I’m studying in XX Primary School. 上次的谜语你们猜到了吧,toilet马桶. Today I’m going to tell you another riddle, the answer is a kind of animal.

They’re quite small. They’re smaller than dogs, cats, frogs and birds.

They don’t live in water. They live on the land.

They’re very quiet. They never make noises like 知了。

They’re afraid of you. They quickly run away when they see you.

Many people are afraid of this kind of animals too. They scream when they see them.

They live with you together in your home, but they’re not your friends. You don’t like them.

They don’t have a long tail. 老鼠has a long tail but they don’t.

So, what is the name of this kind of animal? Talk to your mom and dad and then let us know the answer~!

Thank you for listening to my riddle. See you next time!
  • 程萱萱

    切蔬菜的 回复 @程萱萱: 好土豪还会干嘛密密麻麻那边v纯纯粹粹vv办法发货股骨头额工程部不喜欢喝太让人土石方汉库克好几次人还不错超好吃投诉就好好举报女警那你看看v各部门CC嘘嘘NB冻成狗vv帮不帮爸爸v不不不(=^▽^=)

  • 小魔女小魔女


  • 岁月静好_zh1_j67
