原文朗读+词汇复习【优势领导力 Strengths Leadership: 04B】

原文朗读+词汇复习【优势领导力 Strengths Leadership: 04B】




Followers want a leader who will provide a solid foundation. They reported that the best leaders were the ones they could always count on in times of need. The people we surveyed also mentioned the words security, strength, support, and peace. As a leader, your followers also need to know that your core values are stable. This will buffer them from unnecessary change and ensure that they know what is expected.

Our need for stability and security plays into nearly every decision we make. Politicians work tirelessly to convince us that we will be more secure if they are elected. Spiritual leaders are often great promoters of stability, as followers turn to their messages for strength in times of crisis or elation. Great teachers who lead in classrooms every day know the value of giving students constant support and reassurance.

In the workplace, while it’s critical for organizations to evolve, change, and grow over time, they must also offer employees stability and confidence. At a very basic level, employees need a paycheck, and they need to feel secure about having a job. If managers and leaders do not meet these basic needs, they are sure to face resistance. Employees who have high confidence in their company’s financial future are nine times as likely to be engaged in their jobs when compared to those who have lower confidence about their organization’s financial future.

Key words and phrases

1.     solid  adj.结实的,可靠的,固体的

2.     count on  指望,依靠

3.     core value  核心价值观

4.     buffer   v. 缓冲;n. 起缓冲作用的人/物

5.     tireless  孜孜不倦的; 不疲倦的;

6.     turn to  求助于,(使)转向

turn to somebody for something,求助某人以获得某事

7.     elation   n. 兴高采烈,欢欣鼓舞

8.     reassurance   n. 使安心,再保证

9.     critical   adj. 重要的,关键的

10.  resistance   n. 抵抗,阻力

