67岁强奸犯被判23年(2)criminal, rape, attack, oral sex, forcibly

67岁强奸犯被判23年(2)criminal, rape, attack, oral sex, forcibly

  • AST_Ericwang

    He was sentenced to 20 years on the Criminal sex act charge for forcibly performing oral sex on production assistant Mimi Haleyi.

  • Mason_Li

    He was sentenced to 20 years on the Criminal sex act charge for forcibly performing oral sex on production assistant Mimi Haleyi. Winston was sentenced to 3 years for third degree rape for the attack on Jessica Mann.

  • Wendy_Sunflower

    Criminal n.犯罪; Charge v. 指控; Forcibly adv. 强迫地; Perform v. 做,履行,执行; Production assistant 制片助理,生产助理; Rape v. 强奸,强暴;

  • jeremy_7y

    He was sentenced to 23 years on the criminal sex act charge for forcibly performing oral sex on production assistant Mimi Haroe,Winston was sentenced to 3 years for third degree rape for the attack on Jessica Main.

  • Rick_Yu

    He was sentenced to 20 years on the criminal sex act charge, forcibly performing oral sex on production assistant mimi Halloween, Winston was sentenced to three years for 3rd degree rape for the attack on Jessica man in 2013.

  • 唐冕15

    He was sentenced to 20 years on the criminal sex act charge for forcibly performing oral sex on production assistant MMH in 2006. Weinstein was sentenced to 3 years for third-degree rape for the attack on JM in 2013.

  • Maple_M

    想起了强哥 He was sentenced to 20 years on the criminal sex act charge for forcibly performing oral sex on production assistant Mimi Hollie, Winston was sentenced to 3 years for third degree rape for the attack on Jessica Main in 2013.

  • FiskZeng

    谢谢杨老师分享,He was sentenced to 20 years on the criminal sex act charge for forcibly performing oral sex on production assistant ***in 2006. Weinstein was sentenced to 3 years for third-degree rape for the attack on **in 2013.