


We're facing a dark time right now. Some of us are stuck at home. some are stuck far away from home. Some of us have lost jobs. And some had to shut down their businesses. 

Some of us are cutting down the expenses. Some can`t even pay their rent and bills. Some can`t go back to school. And some can`t go back to their jobs. And some of us are still working day and night. No matter how exhausted they are or how dangerous it is. 

Some of us have become infected and they were isolated from their families. Their loved ones, and have to be alone in the wards.  Or even worse, it is their children, their parents or loved ones that infected. And they don't even have a chance to say goodbye. 

The virus is rampaging, the numbers are increasing. The rumors are spreading, the fear is growing. It seems that all of a sudden the whole country lost its vitality and prosperity. 

You're not the only one who is worrying. You're not the only one who is fearing. You're not the only one who is struggling. We're all facing a dark time right now. Our country is facing a dark time right now. 

This is a war! It`s a war without guns, bombs or smoke. but it's a war with virus doubts, fears, rumors and discriminations. But we shall all be the fighters. My dear fellows, not just the doctors, the nurses, the policeman, a scientists who should fight.

All of us should be the fighters in this war. We shall fight against fear. We shall fight against uncertainty. We shall fight against doubts, we shall fight against selfishness. We shall fight against rumors. And we shall fight against discriminations. 

This is going to be fierce and cruel war, but don't be afraid. We're gonna win this one together in the end. Our people may get sick. Our city may get sick. But we as a brave nation will never ever get sick, because we have the spirit, history and determination to win. 

We`ve been on this planet for over 5000 years. We`ve witnessed much darker moments. We've been through much cruller trials. No matter it`s the war, invasion, starvation, poverty or natural disasters. We've always survived. And we've always stood back up on our  feet. We`ve always won in the end. and we will definitely win this time. 

We don't know how long this will take or what costs we have to pay. But there's one thing we are 100% sure. That is: we're going to win this war in the end, because that's what we`ve been doing for the past 5000 years. And that's what makes us the greatest nation ever. It is only by going through dark times that we can separate the greatest from the great. In each dark time, we`ve always fought together. No matter how strong our enemy was or how impossible it seemed to win. We just kept fighting because we are all fighters!!!!!!

When all of this is over. We`ll  have another great heroic story to tell children, our grandchildren and they will tell the next generations. And that's how we passed the great spirit on and kept alive for ever!

  • 听友216958687


  • 多笔


  • 偷偷发光


    心如死灰__ 回复 @偷偷发光:

  • 南街北巷99


  • 努力的曦曦韵


    心如死灰__ 回复 @努力的曦曦韵: 姐姐加油

  • 小小张说

    2020年4月4日,清明,举国哀悼为抗击疫情逝去的英雄们! 经历了空城方醒悟,人山人海,才是国泰民安! 愿山河无恙!祖国长安!

  • Carrie_Xu06

    中国真好! 此生不悔入华夏, 来世还做中国人! 读的太好了,酣畅淋漓,激情澎湃,听得热血沸腾!👍👍👍

    Carrie_Xu06 回复 @Carrie_Xu06: I believe that we can beat the virus. Spring comes after winter,COME ON CHINA!!!中国加油💪💪💪

  • 寻找自己的生命

    如果站在一个旁观者的角度看,中国所作所为已经不是难以理解,而是疯狂了。以经济倒退为代价,保每一个生灵活下来。 为了一个素不相识的人,居然会花那么大的代价,砸那么多钱,甚至是自己的生命。 这已经不能用任何一种心理学理论去解释了。 中华民族的本质,是什么?我们民族的核心,又是什么? 社会主义核心价值观吗?我不相信就那么几十个字有这么伟岸的力量。一定还有别的。这东西,应该就是中华民族区别于其他种族的东西。但是,是什么呢?

  • DIxIe

    是and scientists who should flight