2020年山东新高考英语听力真题 (1月8日第一次)

2020年山东新高考英语听力真题 (1月8日第一次)


Text 1

M: I'm looking for a plain blue sweater.

W: How about this one?

M: Yes, that's nice. Could I try it on?

W: Certainly. The fitting rooms are over there.


Text 2

W: David's going to meet us at the club around six.

M: Good. How will he get there? I don't think driving is a good choice in the rush hour.

W: David said he'll take the underground. What about us?

M: Let's go by bike.


Text 3

M: Jane, wait a second. I'm going with you.

W: Okay. I'm going to Professor Wang's calligraphy class.

M: I know. It's in the chemistry building, right? My biology class is in the same building.


Text 4

W: Is there anything else you want?

M: No, thank you. By the way, in case there's a problem with this air conditioner, can I return it?

W: Yes, but you must return it within thirty days.

M: Thank you.


Text 5

W: Stop checking emails! We are in the middle of a vacation!

M: Okay! One more minute and I'll switch it off.


Text 6

W: Hello, Global Travel Agency. May I help you?

M: Hello. Do you have a package tour to Seattle? If you do, how many days will it last?

W: Yes, we do. Four days and three nights. It's available every Monday and Wednesday.

M: Please help me register two people for the tour for this Wednesday.

W: I'm sorry. This Wednesday is already fully booked. It's the traveling season, you know. Would you go for next week?

M: Okay. Can I book it now?

W: Yes, of course. Now, when will you start your holiday, Monday or Wednesday?

M: Well, I'm teaching on Monday. So Wednesday, please.

Text 7

W: I have been trying hard to choose a gift for Kate for her birthday.

M: That's been hard for me too.

W: Would you like to go in with me and choose something together?

M: Yes, two heads are better than one. So, what does Kate like doing? That might help us choose something.

W: She seems to enjoy listening to music, reading novels, and going to the movies.

M: Maybe we could get her a concert ticket. What do you think?

W: That's a good idea. But we don't know what concert she likes.

M: Jane can help us. She knows Kate very well.

W: You're right. Let's see Jane this afternoon after class.

M: Okay.


Text 8

M: Hey, I think I found a job that might interest Lisa. Where is she?

W: She went to Liverpool visiting friends, I think. What is it?

M: Well, it's from London Week, which claims to be the only newspaper for visitors to London.

W: What do they want, a reporter?

M: No, it's what they call a sales representative.

W: Hmm. Could be interesting. How much does it pay?

M: Not bad. Three thousand pounds a month. That's five hundred pounds more than what she made in her last job.

W: Not bad at all. Any requirement?

M: Salespeople with no less than two years of experience, not necessarily in advertising. Lisa's got plenty of that.

W: Any other details about the job?

M: No, just the paid trips to Paris on top of the salary.

W: Well, let's tell Lisa. She'll be back tomorrow I expect.


Text 9

W: Hi, I'm Sarah.

M: Hello, Sarah. My name's Ricky.

W: Hi Ricky. Are you a new student here?

M: Yes, I just had my first lesson this morning. Are you a new student too?

W: No. I've been here for a year.

M: A year? That's a long time.

W: Yes, it is. I went through three months of language training after I first arrived in this college, and now I'm a psychology student here. Today I've come to visit my teacher in the language centre. How long have you been here?

M: Only a week.

W: Oh, not long. Where do you live, with a family?

M: Yes, I'm staying with a retired couple at the moment. They're very nice, but I'm looking for a new place where I can hang out with more people of my age. Do you know of any good places?

W: Yes. Actually, my friend John has a spare room in his apartment. And he is looking for a roommate. Would you like his phone number?

M: That would be great! Thanks for your help.


Text 10

M: Good morning, everybody. Before we start the class today, I need to give you some information about our field trip on the 27th of May. As you know, we're spending the day at The Science Museum in London. A coach will pick us up in the school car park. We'll leave at 8 o'clock, so plan to be there at least fifteen minutes before that, 7:45 at the latest. You'd better set your alarms for 6:30, okay? If you've visited The Science Museum before, you'll know that it's enormous, and we can't possibly see everything in one day. The Welcome Wing has three galleries which deal only with contemporary science. We're going to have a guided tour of one of them. We've ordered lunch at the café, so we'll all meet up there at 12:30. And don't be late. We have to go to the cinema at 1:15. I think that's all for now. Oh, one last thing. Check out The Science Museum website before we go. The more you read about it, the more interesting the visit will be.

  • 屿鹿_u1

    继续努力吧 自己做完千万不要修改答案

    屿鹿_u1 回复 @屿鹿_u1: 我后天就要考了又来了

  • 阳阳不吃糖了


    听友287263030 回复 @阳阳不吃糖了: 还有两天怎么了嘛

  • 茶星岛


  • 这里生逢

    给大家整理一下听力的一些个人小方法:①做前要标画,要重点听:标句子的主语(the man/the woman/人名);标时态(is doing/did…);标时间(星期几/上午中午下午…)②做前把题干和选项通读一遍,可以用英语读,边读边在脑子里翻译,或者直接用中文翻译着读,同时预测文本语境;③同时说出来的两个选项一般不选,但如果他说了“xxx or xxx”就可能是其中之一;④数字题是难题,但高考数字题绝不会难到哪里去,所以训练自己听数字时快速地将数字记下来,以便计算;另外注意一些容易忘但很常用的时间数字词:decade(十年),dozen(一打12个)…

  • 听友286977649

    2021听力加油 明天加油!!我一定满分!!

  • 听友286834235


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