中国日报外籍专家的“抗疫”故事 III

中国日报外籍专家的“抗疫”故事 III


As the novelcoronavirus epidemic has swept across China, deeply affecting the lives of allof us who live here, it has also spurred many of us to rediscover the pleasuresof cooking as a delicious way to pass time and become a little moreself-sufficient.


Just before theepidemic exploded, with news of human-to-human transmission, I had justreceived my latest kitchen gadget — an electric pressure cooker.


This purchase wasintended to satisfy my yearning for a faster and more convenient way to cooksoybeans, which normally required several hours of care on the stovetop aftersoaking overnight.


I had visions ofturning the two large bags of organic soybeans I had bought from thesupermarket into a variety of soups and stews I craved during the winter.


The pressurecooker indeed helped me make a bean stew spiced with an aromatic Indian masalafor Chines New Year's Eve dinner. But during the extended holiday, whenauthorities warned people to stay in as much as possible and we had run out oftofu, we used that pressure cooker almost daily to make a batch of soybeansthat could serve as a high-protein substitute, with delectable results.


For example, weused to always use tofu when we made our spicy Korean-style fried rice. But thesoybeans actually tasted just as good, if not better, in the dish, and filledus up even more.


A couple of times,we also used the pressure cooked soybeans to create a version of one of myfavorite dishes from childhood — baked beans, made with onions, ketchup, brown sugar,soy sauce, a little vinegar and a dash of garlic powder.


Even my husbandthought the dish rivaled some of the best canned versions we had enjoyed on ourmany camping trips in the US.


I had always usedmy bread machine at least once a week, but relied on it even more in the firstfew weeks of that epidemic. My two favorite breads — a multigrain made withwhole wheat flour, oatmeal, sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds, and a whole wheatwith raisins and walnuts — paired perfectly with a makeshift pesto made fromsome leftover cilantro, walnuts, garlic and olive oil I had thrown into thefood processor.


Once we opted fora new take on that American classic of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches,slathering warm bread still hot from the machine with pure sesame butter andblueberry preserves.


Things that hadlong sat in the back of our shelves suddenly turned into precious finds thatcould yield wonderful dinner options. Sheets of nori seaweed I had purchasedmonths ago were torn into bite-sized pieces to add extra nutrition to a dinnerof fried rice. The fusilli Italian noodles in the cupboard were boiled and thentossed in an aglio e olio sauce, that classic pairing of garlic and olive oil.


Because of ourcreative efforts in the kitchen, making full use of the resources we had athand, we were able to go through 12 days without doing any grocery shopping — arecord in our home.


The kitchen hasalways felt like a place of refuge for me, where I can engage in thetherapeutic and nourishing joys of preparing food, and it has taken on evenmore importance during this outbreak. Eating well can have a hugely positiveimpact on our health and psychological well-being, both critical amid thisepidemic. And using what we already have on hand as much as possible helpsreduce the pressure on supplies.


We will win thiswar eventually, powered by one good, creative meal after another.


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