


3791. encourage/ in’kΛridʒ/,/ɪnˈkəːridʒ/ v.刺激,激励;促进;助长【We were encouraged to learn foreign languages at school. 在校时,学校鼓励我们学习外语。】;(通过言语或行动)鼓励,支持【They've always encouraged me in everything I've wanted to do. 不论我想做什么,他们总是会鼓励我。】

3792. encouragement/ in’kΛridʒ.mənt /,/inˈkəːridʒ.mənt/ n.鼓励,激励【Children need lots of encouragement from their parents. 孩子需要父母的不断鼓励。】;促进;激发【We are extremely grateful for all your help and encouragement. 我们非常感谢您的帮助和鼓励。】

3793. flash/ flæʃ/ - v.(使)闪耀,(使)闪光【Stop flashing that light in my eyes! 别拿那个手电筒晃我的眼睛了!】;飞驰,掠过【They flashed by on a motorcycle. 他们骑着摩托飞驰而过。】;(快速)出示,显示【He flashed a smile and offered to buy me a drink. 他笑了一下,提出请我喝一杯。】;(尤指用无线电或光波)通信,联络【Within moments of an event happening, the news can be flashed around the world. 事件发生之后不久,消息就能迅速传遍世界。】;(想法等)突然闪现【The thought suddenly flashed through my mind that she didn't want to be here. 我突然想到,她不想来这里。】;露阴,当众暴露性器官【He came out of the bushes and flashed her. 他从灌木中出来,向她暴露私处。】;- n.闪光;闪耀【a flash of lightning 一道闪电】;(情感的)突发;(想法的)突现【The idea came to her in a flash of inspiration. 灵光一闪,她便有了这个主意。】;闪光灯;闪光装置【It's dark in here, I'll have to use the flash. 这里很暗,我得用闪光灯。】;飞快的一瞥【She leaned over and I caught a flash of pink underwear. 她俯身过来,我一眼瞥见了粉红色的内衣。】- adj.昂贵的;奢华的【That's a very flash suit he's wearing. 他穿的那套西服看上去十分昂贵。】

3794. adjust/ ə’dʒΛst/ v.调整;调节【If the chair is too high you can adjust it to suit you. 如果椅子太高了,你可以把它调到适合你的高度。】;整理(衣着)【She adjusted her skirt, took a deep breath, and walked into the room. 她整了整裙子,深吸一口气,走进了房间。】;适应;习惯【Her eyes slowly adjusted to the dark. 她的眼睛慢慢适应了黑暗。】;

3795. adjustment/əˈdʒʌst.mənt/ n.调整;调节;小改动【She made a few minor adjustments to the focus of her camera. 她稍微调了调相机的焦距。】;(对新情况的)适应;适应力【He has so far failed to make the adjustment from school to work. 他到现在还没有适应从学生生活到工作的变化】

3796. highway/ ‘haiwei/ n.公路;大路

3797. inspect/ in’spekt/ v.检查;审视【After the crash both drivers got out and inspected their cars for damage. 撞车后,两辆车的司机都下来检查各自的车有无损坏。】;视察;检阅【The King inspected the troops. 国王检阅了部队。】

3798. inspector/ɪnˈspek.tɚ/ n.检查员;视察员【a tax inspector 税务稽查员】;

3799. inspection/ɪnˈspek.ʃən/ n.检查;视察【She arrived to carry out a health and safety inspection of the building. 她来对大楼进行安全卫生检查。】;

3800. trace/ treis/ - v.找到,查出,发现【The police are trying to trace the mother of a newborn baby found abandoned outside a hospital. 警察试图查出那位把新生婴儿抛弃在医院外面的母亲。】;追查…的来源【The phone company was unable to trace the call. 电话公司查不出这个电话来自何处。】;查明…的起因(或源头),追溯【She has traced her family history back to the seventeenth century. 她把家族历史追溯到了十七世纪。】;描摹【She learned to write her name by tracing out the letters. 她通过描摹字母学会了写自己的名字。】;勾画出…的轮廓【The child was tracing patterns on the sand with a stick. 孩子用棍子在沙子上勾画出一个个图案。】;

- n. 痕迹,踪迹【He attempted to cover up all the traces of his crime. 他试图掩盖他犯罪的蛛丝马迹。】;(利用电子仪器的)追踪【The phone company put a trace on the call. 电话公司用电子仪器追踪了这次通话。】;微量,少许【She speaks English without any trace of an accent. 她讲英语丝毫不带口音。】

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