


Hi, everybody. 大家好,我是你们的Windy老师。Windy带你学英语,每晚8点和你准时相约。 今天我们继续来学习Howto achieve success《成功之道》006期的内容。

Forth, follow the best.

Select good role models.

Study and learn from them.


第一句:Forth, follow the best. 第四,跟着最好的走,拜最好的师傅。Forth同样是序数词,表示第四,forth记住 th要轻咬舌尖吹气 forth, follow the best. Follow 是跟随,跟从的意思,我们经常说follow me,就是跟我走的意思  the best 最好的 followthe best就是跟着最好的学习。我们再来一遍:Forth, follow the best.

第二句:Select good role models. 选择好榜样。Select 选择,挑选的意思select  role models则是模范,榜样的意思Select goodrole models. 选择好榜样。

最后一句:Study and learn from them.向他们学习。这句很简单,Windy老师就不解释了。

Study and learn from them.向他们学习。



三个句子我们慢速来一遍Forth, follow the best.Select good role models.Study and learn fromthem.正常速度Forth, follow the best.Select good role models.Study and learn fromthem.快速,5秒内完成,一口气完成坚决不换气哦!Forth, follow the best.Select good role models.Study and learn fromthem.

好,接下来,又到了用一口气复习前面五期内容的挑战时间了!!Are you ready? 我们把前五期的三组15句也加进来,欢迎挑战一口气完成哦!Windy老师先来开始!Ladies and gentlemen:I am so happy to be here today.The subject I amgoing to talk about is how to achieve success.Everybody wants to besuccessful.We all want to make it big.But how do we get there? First of all,you must have a goal.It must be clear-cut.It must be your passion.Second,believe in yourselves.Your potential is unlimited.The world is yours toconquer.

Third,commit yourselves.Dedicateyourselves.Totally focus on your goal.

Forth, follow the best.Select good rolemodels.Study and learn from them.

疯狂用一口气英语的方法来进行练习吧!好了,以上就是我们 How to achieve success《成功之道》006期的内容。That’sall for today. See you tomorrow.


2016.11.5 一组三句

Forth, follow the best.  第四,跟着最好的走,拜最好的师傅。

Select good role models.  选择好榜样。

Study and learn from them.  向他们学习。

