Fame is a four-letter word, like tape, or zoom, or face. What ultimately matters is what we do with it.
fame is a four–letter word, like tape, or zoom or face. what ultimately matters is what we do with it.
Fame is a four-letter word, like tape, or zoom, or face. What ultimately matters is what we do with it.
Fame is a four-letter word, like tape, or zoom, or face. What ultimately matters is what we do with it.
Fame is a four-letter word, like tape or zoom or face. What ultimately matters is what we do with it.
fame is a fore letter word, like tape or zoom or phase, what altermaterly matters is what we do with it.
夏末_du4 回复 @夏末_du4: fame is a four-letter word, like tape, or zoom, or face, what ultimately matters is what we do with it.