帕特里克·斯图尔特爵士 | 讲故事《小鼹鼠的小蓝天》

帕特里克·斯图尔特爵士 | 讲故事《小鼹鼠的小蓝天》


Now, what can I see under here? Oh! Hello, I'm Patrick. I'm trying to see what under the bed. I really want to know what's under the floor too. I'm sure it's very different to what we can see here. There is a little mole in tonight's bedtime story who wants to know what it's like up above. He wants to see the sky. Shall we find out about him? The story is by Julia Hubery and Mary McQuillan and it's called Wish-molly and the little piece of sky.
Down in the dark, delicious earth. Most moles are happy dig-dig-digging. But wish-molly wanted more. He wished to see the world above. “Above is too big and bright for a little mole.” said his mommy. “Look at your spady paws and your lovely shovel nose. Moles are made for digging, moles are made for under.” Wish-molly tried to be a good happy digger. But he couldn't help wondering if above was better than under.在黝黑的,美味的土壤下面,大部分鼹鼠都在快乐的挖呀挖呀挖土。但是小鼹鼠莫利,想要更多,他希望去看看上面的世界。对一只小小的鼹鼠来说,上面太大太亮了。他妈妈说道,看看你天生适合铲土的爪子还有可爱的鼻子。鼹鼠天生是来挖洞的,鼹鼠天生就适合呆在下面。莫利试着去成为一个快乐的挖土家,但是他忍不住地想,上面会不会比下面更好呢?
So one day, he tangled up, up, up and popped his head above. He looked the busy, bustling world. It was also strange and new, he found afraid. But then, he looked up at the sky. It was calm and blue. It was beautiful. He wished, he could have his own little piece of sky. Then, from way up high, something fell. Something smooth and round and warm and as blue as the sky.一天,他往上挖呀挖呀,直到脑袋破出土壤,他看到了这个繁忙的世界。这里陌生又新鲜,他有点害怕。然后,他抬头看到了天空,平静又蔚蓝,天空太美了。他许愿希望能够拥有属于自己的那一小片蓝天。突然,在很高很高的地方什么东西掉下来了,看上去滑滑的,圆圆的,暖暖的,而且就像天空一样蓝。
“Thank you” whispered wish-molly. then he carefully picked up his piece of sky and carried it under. “look! Mommy, it's from above!” he said, “I wish for some of the beautiful blue and down it came!” Wish-molly treasured his piece of sky and took it with him everywhere.“谢谢你!”莫利低语。他小心翼翼地捡起这一小片天空,然后把它带回家了。“看,妈妈!这是从上面来的!”他说“我希望有一片漂亮的蓝色,然后它就掉下来了。”莫利宝贝着他的这一小片蓝天,无论去哪儿都带着它。
One morning, the little piece of sky began to quiver, and tap-tap-taping came from inside, louder and louder. Suddenly it broke apart. And a tiny, ugly, little thing cracked out. It snuggled next to Wish-molly, cheeping. “What is it ?” he cried. “It's a baby” said Mommy, “and it needs to be loved.”一天早餐,这一小片蓝天开始抖动,里面啪啪啪作响,声音越来越大,突然它碎掉了。一只幼小的,丑丑的小东西钻出来。它紧紧靠着莫利,吱吱地叫唤。“这是什么呀?”莫利喊到。“这是一只宝宝。”妈妈说,“他需要你的爱。
Wish-molly soon had a lots of digging to do. His baby needed worms and grubs, so he dug and dug to find them. then she grow too big for her little nest, so he had to dig another one. And still baby grew, so he dug another and another. Wish-molly was happy, digging. Because baby loved him and he loves baby.莫利于是有了许多洞要挖。因为他的宝宝需要吃幼虫和蛆,所以他得去挖啊挖啊找到它们。后来宝宝长得太大了小洞装不下她了,所以莫利又得挖另外一个。然后宝宝继续长大,莫利继续挖洞,一个接着一个。莫利很开心地在挖洞。因为宝宝爱他,而他也爱着宝宝。
She sang while he worked, and she tried to help. But baby wasn't made for digging. She had the wrong kind of paws, and she couldn't shovel at all. She cheeped, sadly. “Baby is crying” Wish-molly told mommy. Wish-molly wished he could make baby happy again. Mommy hugged him tightly. “You have to be brave to make her happy. ” she said, “for baby is a bird, and she doesn't belong under, she belongs above.”她会在莫利工作的时候唱歌,试着去帮忙。但她不是天生适合挖洞的,她的爪子不合适,一点儿也不能铲,所以她伤心地哭起来。“宝宝在哭!”莫利告诉妈妈。莫利希望他能够让宝宝再一次快乐起来。妈妈紧紧地抱住她。“要让他她快乐,你得勇敢起来。”妈妈说,“因为宝宝是一只小鸟,她并不属于地下,它属于天空。
So Wish-molly dug up up up above. Baby flapped the dirt of her wings and hopped, fluttered happily. She flapped and hopped and fluttered until baby flew. As wish-molly watched her, he felt proud and sad. “Why are you sad? ” baby asked. “because someday you fly higher than high, and blue will fill your eyes, and maybe you forgot to come down. ” said Wish-molly. Baby snuggled next to him. “I'll never forgot.” she said.所以莫利往上挖啊挖啊挖,宝宝拍掉他翅膀上的尘土,然后开心地跳着,挥动着翅膀。她振翼,跳动,直到宝宝飞起来。莫利看着她,既骄傲又悲伤。“你为什么伤心?”宝宝问。“因为有一天你飞得不能再高的时候,你的眼睛会充满蓝色,也许你就不会再下来了。”莫利说。宝宝抱住莫利,“我永远也不会忘记的。”她说。
One bright morning, a bird just like baby, swooped through the sky and baby flew up to say hello. Wish-molly watched and he knew he had to be very brave. When she flew down, he kisses her. “You are not a baby anymore” he said. “ It's time to fly with the other bird where you belong. ” “But you'll be sad.” cried baby. “Oh, no.” said Wish-molly. I'll be happy dig-dig-diging and thinking of you up in the bule. Baby hugged Wish-molly. Then up she flew, up and away.一个明亮的早晨,一只和宝宝很像的小鸟,从天空中俯冲下来,宝宝飞上去和莫利打了个招呼。莫利看着她们,然后他知道他得变得非常勇敢。当宝宝飞下来时,莫利亲了宝宝。“你已经不再是一只宝宝了。”他说,“是时候和另一只小鸟飞回属于你的地方。”“但是你会伤心。”宝宝哭道。“噢,不会的。”莫利说,“我会快乐地挖啊挖啊挖着洞,然后想念着在蓝天中的你。”宝宝抱住莫利,然后她飞走了,又高又远。
Most moles are happiest, dig-dig-digging. But sometimes, a little mole comes up above and listens as a song falls from the sky. And he smiles.大部分鼹鼠都十分快乐,它们挖着洞。不过有时候,会有一只小鼹鼠来到地上,然后聆听着从天空中传来的歌声,然后微笑。
That story was called Wish-molly and the little piece of sky. Maybe you can see baby flying in the sky tomorrow. But right now, It's time for you to go to bed and sleep. I'll see you soon for another story. Good night. Now maybe I can see what mole sees, if I look under here.这个故事叫做《小鼹鼠的小蓝天》,也许明天你会在蓝天中看见宝宝在飞翔。现在,是时候该到你上床睡觉了,我们下一个故事见,晚安。如果我往下看,也许可以看到小鼹鼠能看到的东西。

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