21 有用的新技能

21 有用的新技能





21 Describe a new skill you learned that you think is useful

You should say:

What it is

How you learned it

Whether it is difficult or not

And explain why you think it is useful






An important new skill I've recently acquired is empathy. Empathy is the ability to put yourself in the other person's shoes and understand their feelings. It isessential(至关重要)to building good relationships, both at work and in my personal life. People who don’t exhibit empathy are viewed as cold andself-absorbed(自私的), and they oftenlead isolated lives(过着孤独的生活).


I learned about this concept in an article on psychology and communication skills, and tried to apply it in daily interpersonal communication. I also read that meditation could help cultivate brain states that increase empathy. By meditation and continuously getting feedback from my family and friends, I am making progress in developing empathy. Empathy requires practice. It is not hard, but whoever wants to increase their empathy should feel empathy proactively.


I've found that by using empathy whenever I feel like complaining to or arguing with someone, I can pause and calm down for a few second to understand the other person’s thoughts and communicate more smoothly from the other person's perspective. This solves many of life's avoidable conflicts. Also, when my friends arepouring out his or her woes(倾诉伤心事), I can feel what they feel and give more sincere advice and comfort. With empathy, you are going to become a warm and positive person, which will make your life easier, make yourself stronger, and make everyone around you happier.

