17 教导你的人

17 教导你的人


17 Describe a person who taught you something important

You should say:

    Who this person is

What he/she is like

What he/she taught you

And explain how you felt about him/her






I believe everyone has the luck to meet a helpful mentor(导师)as well as a good friend at least once in their life. But I'm even luckier because my supporter works not only as a teacher but also as myfatherly(如父般的)role model. Well, you might wonder who he is. Yes, it’s my first English teacher Mr. Yang who helped me to learn in a veryvivid(栩栩如生的) and interesting way.


Mr. Yang is a refined man with a decent manner(举止得体), he always wears a pair of glasses and a white shirt. He is of medium height and I will never forget his big smile whenever weencountered each other.(偶遇) 


Mr. Yang is a true English aficionado who finished his undergrad degree in one of the best language universities in China. He had been teaching English for 40 years  when he retired. We had our first meet when I was 10. I was one hundred percent a green hand(完全零基础)in Engllish at that time. But I was attracted by his native British accent, so I made up my mind to learn English well at that moment. Mr.Yang not only taught me how to learn English but also told me some interesting stories about western countries. For example, he once told me a joke about when he was in Britain and explained how to behave politely when being a guest in foreign countries.


Now that I’m older I feel grateful to Mr.Yang. It was because of him that I took a great interest in English from the very beginning. And moreover, I determined to become a teacher just like him so that I too could inspire the younger generation. 

