15 通过短信获得的重要信息

15 通过短信获得的重要信息





15 Describe a piece of important news you got through text messages

You should say:

When yougot it    

What it was

Whoyou got it from

Why it was important

And explainhow you felt about it



During the third year of my university, Isubmitted my resume (提交简历)to Xinhua News Agency in order to get an internship, because I have always been interested in journalism and I wanted to explore more about this industry in a state agency. I got invited to interview so I prepared for it overnight. However, I got to know that the people I was competing with were almost all top students from key universities like Peking or Tsinghua University. I felt rather nervous and evenstammered (结巴)a bit during the interview. After that, with many worries, I came back to my dorm and thought I could not possibly get selected for the position.

On the second day, I got a text from an unknown number when I woke up, telling me that I successfully passed the interview and got an internship in the new media department of Xinhua News Agency. The text was sent by one of the interviewers I had met the previous day. I wasstunningly surprised (极度惊喜) and jumped out of my bed. I felt so lucky, butI also felt all the efforts I had made had paid off (功夫不负有心人).

Moreover, this text really increased my confidence and made me realize the future path I would choose. I decided to gain more knowledge about journalism after graduation, and if possible, I wanted to enter some well-known news companies likeTencent (腾讯) or CCTV to help them to produce more meaningful news stories.

