0107 欣赏别人不等于你比人家差 My Brother

0107 欣赏别人不等于你比人家差 My Brother



Hello! Good evening! I’m so happy to see you. I’m Shuhua, and it’s almost time to say goodnight!



But first, I want to talk about my brother.



Ever since I was very young, I always thought my big brother was great. He is smart, and funny, and very strong. I always thought I was not smart as him, or as popular as him, and I really wasn’t as strong as him. Actually, I was a little bit embarrassed because I thought he was just better than me.



But as I grew up, I started to understand. Nobody is better than anybody else. We’re all just different. He is very smart, but I taught myself Chinese. He’s very popular, but I have a lot of friends, too. It doesn’t matter who is better than whom. What’s important is that we like ourselves and enjoy our life.

 可是长大的时候,我开始明白了。人与人之间没有所谓的 “更好”,我们就不一样而已。他很聪明,可是我也自学中文了。他很受欢迎,但是我朋友也不少。谁比谁好不重要,重要的是我们喜欢自己,也享受自己的生活。

What about you? Is there someone that you think is really great?


I want to hear about it, but now it’s time to say good night.



So, good night!



  • 大脸裴

    as I grew up,文稿写的是after I grew up

    来自美国的周树华 回复 @大脸裴: 哎呦喂!没错!我读的时候读错了。I'll change it now. Thanks for telling me!

  • 向着太阳迎着光_Gai


    来自美国的周树华 回复 @向着太阳迎着光_Gai: 我也想知道!

  • Tetesa

    树华师傅, i'm appereciate you getme this programa that was very good and i listening about one yeas and help me so much

    来自美国的周树华 回复 @Tetesa: Great! I'm glad it's useful for you!

  • 秋風生渭水灬


    来自美国的周树华 回复 @秋風生渭水灬: Good night!

  • 1775326esty


    来自美国的周树华 回复 @1775326esty: 哈哈哈,你喜欢就好!

  • Hw520


    来自美国的周树华 回复 @Hw520: I'm glad you like it.

  • 麦田幸福广场

    The series are really nice for listening before sleep. Like a lullaby, Haha! I like your background music,Josh, you are more like a friend now. thanks for your nice voice and effort.

    来自美国的周树华 回复 @麦田幸福广场: I'm glad you like it!

  • 开心Tina


    来自美国的周树华 回复 @开心Tina: 你喜我就开心哦!

  • yf2bvi9kmemc08fwinzd


    yf2bvi9kmemc08fwinzd 回复 @yf2bvi9kmemc08fwinzd: 每天都在学习一点

  • 可爱如我_6l


    来自美国的周树华 回复 @可爱如我_6l: It's my pleasure!