So let me tell you a love story. Once upon a time, not so long ago, in a land I Googled to be 5172 miles away. I met a guy and he was perfect. So I'll tell you the meeting story.
让我告诉你们一个爱情故事。就在不久之前,在一个谷歌上说位于5172英里以外的地方 ,我遇到一个完美的人,我跟你们讲一讲我们是怎么认识的吧。
I`d just taped this really cool TV show about experimenting with your sexuality. And I met him at the after-party through one of our famous friends who was a DJ. He was tall, dark, handsome, kind of rock star and a little bit emotionally unavailable.
Very soon. We were spending all of our time together. we threw these really cool parties for all of our cool friends, we went backstage at every festival and when my hands were cold, you would take them under his arms to warm them up.
He was my best friends and I thought we'd be together forever. And so strong was that belief that when the warning signs came, I just ignored them. Until the day that I couldn't ignore them anymore.
I've become quite unwell, I wasn't so pretty anymore. And I definitely couldn`t go out to any of the parties. In fact, I was for the first time in my life actually vulnerable because I was miscarrying a baby.
And at that point, When I was at my weakest, he left. It's not a joke, aha, coming downstairs and you know what, but I would have followed him out of the door to the ends of the Earth. but I couldn't get out of my bed.
when I did get up. I found that our house had been stripped bare. The paintings were gone from the walls and the rooms that we used to dance in together were empty. I walked around those rooms like an animal, howling.
Picking myself up off the literal floor that day. I had to recognize that after all of this excitement and this joy and this fantasy, the end of all that love, I had nothing. And you know what that wasn't even the first time something like that had happened to me.
I was a magnet for chaos. I like chaos. Because when I was in chaos, I didn't have to confront anything about who I was. Truthfully, I hadn`t known who I was for years .because on the floor that day, I did have someone, I had myself, but for a long time that had come to feel like it was meant nothing. and it was invaluable.
So I know it seems a bit self- indulgent to come out here today and talk to you guys about like effectively a break-up story. But it was one of a chain of many incidences that made me think maybe there's other people like me. Maybe there's other people that aren`t approaching love in the right way.
Because I think we've all had experiences, right? They look like love, they feel like love. But when you open them up, there's nothing loving about them. But we continued to chase love because I think love is sold to us. as almost like the ultimate solution to ourselves.
The things that makes our past okay, that gives us a direction for the future and imbues our everyday reality with meaning. I think love can be beautiful. I think it can be exciting.but I think sometimes it can also be an act of escapism.
And I `ve had a long time to think about this. As the introduction said. I am the artist formerly known as the UK`s leading dating expert. And before that I was a ghost writer in the pickup industry.
And I volg about the reality of love on my YouTube. And now I have a completely different approach, a very minimalist strategy when it comes to dating. And that's really because I'm concerned that in our quest for love, sometimes it can be the ultimate distraction to fixing ourselves.
But gradually,you know what, A great thing happened is that I came back into the room, I became aware again, my mind start to work. I reconnected with my family. The friends that were left with the good ones.
但是渐渐的,你知道吗? 发生了一件好事,那就是我回到之前和做一些真正使我们快乐的事情,因为,不要误解我的意思,我当然认为渴望依恋他人,渴望亲密关系,渴望爱情,这些目标都是自然的,都是人的本性,都是好的。
But I think sometimes the way we go about them is a bit weird. Weather That's crazy ridiculous on off destructive relationships or needing to go out on a date every single night of the week with a different person,
You know like the hip form of dating, where you have someone on the back burner, someone on the front burner, someone under the grill, and then someone else over there in the freezer, just in case, god forbid. You spend a night by yourself.
In this, it feels really like loneliness is the driver or escapism is the driver not love. So I`m kind of starting to preach the opposite believe now, that,of course. the answer lies not in another person, but within yourself.
Because I think sometimes the melodrama of love takes us further away rather than closer. To who we actually are. So I find my dating advice is gradually shrinking down to be essentially go meditate, get some therapy, read a book.
It's not what you would call like a sexy strategy for the millennial generation. A generation that is used to 4G download speeds. skyping a friend aboard, and Netflix and chill with someone you just met from Tinder.
Um, so I think when we`re used to expecting everything we want right here. Right now, when we can't just vend an automatic level of human connection, we not only feel like we're getting it wrong, but like we're not getting what we`re entitled to.
And then you just take one look at instagram , everybody else has it sorted out? And we sort of live in a culture that surrounds us, telling us that we should have fallen in love or be falling in love, or at least have great sex, right?
Like yesterday, you know, let's face it, who actually enters into the arena of love looking to maybe become a better person to be kinder to have more integrity to get more grounded. No one does that It`s because our eyes are off ourselves. We're looking for that next adventure, that greener grass, that new person. So we don't have to deal with any of that stuff.
And I understand how easily it happens. Right? You just kind of meet someone sexy. I don't know where maybe it was a party on the train or the tube, as we would say in London, or maybe just met them. You both joined Tinder that day.
How magical! And before too long, You realize that you have some stuff in common like WOW you both like almond butter, star wars. You can name all four teenage mutant ninja hero turtles.
And then like suddenly you`re retelling, how you met like this serendipitous coincidence of cosmic proportions, it`s like move over Romeo and Juliet not that ended very well. Let`s all remember that.
So when you`re thinking you're not exactly being Romeo and Julian, and we`re actually living in the real world. I think the thing is the main sell. When you kind of fall for someone, is it`s like Yippee, I`m not along anymore. Hooray! Nailed it ! coz you get to-guess what you do?
You get to go home every night, and you get to your head on the pillow and you don't have to think about you know, your needs, your wants, your past, and actually kind of all the staff .that`s really probably stopping you from becoming happy, because you`re not fixing it.
Instead you get to be entrapped by somebody else , track by somebody else. You're intrigued by them. Your mind has someone new to spiral into and focus on. I think sometimes when you're focusing on that perfect romance, you're actually doing the real work to fix the stuff, that's really probably,stopping you from becoming happy.
And because that, I think that most of us, when it comes to love and dating, kind of need an epic timeout and reset, for myself I did six months cold turkey, no dating, no internet dating. And I went to all of two parties, literally you could have written out my love life on the back of a postage stamp.
It was that exciting. And all this from the girl who used to, honestly, I used to pride myself on having a ridiculous love life.
The story if I was here two years ago, guys, I`d have told you some amazing stories, but you know what after all of that,and after everything that happened, I thought, I would quite like to know who I am again, because and I think I'm not alone here. If you're experiencing groundhog day, when it comes to your dating life, I think the thing is, you think that it's because your meeting loads players, or nice guys finish last or you just haven't met the one yet, or that dating is a numbers game.
But I think actually these truisms that surround dating aren`t in fact true at all. In fact, I think they lead us away from what the real issue is, because the problem and I know this doesn't make for a comfy listening.
The problem, it's with you ,it's with me. It's with ridiculous ideas around romance, it`s with our need that we haven't realized yet. It's with our past. We don't want to talk about it`s with our desires, it's with our inability to get through one day without picking up our smartphones. And it's what we value.
So I decided after all of that I was like, you know what, I'm done with groundhog day in love. I actually wanna to discover a bit more about myself, because the truth is, I wasn't even born Haley Quinn. Right? Right? I chose the name. I thought it sounded cool.
I was actually born in Hayley Whitle. And when I was born, I was grew up in a poor family, my parents were disabled. I was already teased at school a lot for being the weird girl. I used to work as a dishwasher, and because of that. There was so much pain and shame in my past.
I just didn't want to touch it. And the way I run away from it is I run away from it with love and with fantasy. But I decided after all that running, I wasn't really getting anywhere.
I was just recreating the same mistakes time and time again. So I thought i'd better stop. I was like, I want to actually feel something. And I can tell you, when I stopped, I did feel, I think I cried every single day for the first month on the phone to my mom, which was awkward because I hadn't really spoken to her for about a decade at that stage.
And then I `d come home, and I`d come home to this empty dirty house, with no guy, no baby, no possessions left in it. And then some days I`d wake up and the pain would be so bad. That it felt like my heart was burning. And to resist the temptation on that stage to not reach out and take that little plaster of dating or love or some attention to fix how I was feeling was really hard.
But gradually,you know what, A great thing happened is that I came back into the room, I became aware again, my mind start to work. I reconnected with my family. The friends that were left with the good ones.
但是渐渐的,你知道吗? 发生了一件好事,那就是我回到之前的房间,我又变得清醒了,我的思维又开始正常运转了。我和家人的关系亲密了,和那些之前疏远了的好朋友又恢复了联络了。
And I stopped being so obsessed with going out every night of the week or whether someone had read my messages on whatsapp. So that's why if you`re listening to what I'm saying, if you even see a shadow of yourself, a little shadow of your story and my ridiculous life, I would advice just taking a time to take that pause. And I'm going to tell you why I'm actually going to sell it to you.
So here we go. first things first when you come home and your evening plans are make chicken soup and read a book, this no longer sounds bad. this sounds awesome. Although i'd like to point out my chicken soup literally still has the consistency of porridge, It's so bad. Work in progress work in progress.
Second thing, when you stop waiting for your Prince or princess to come crashing through the door and save you and solve your life, you start kind of living in the here and now more. And when you live in the here and now. you become more grounded, you become more confident, you become stronger.
You also become more self aware. And when you're away ,you become more aware of people around you. And you know I saw,and what I saw? I see people running away all the time, every single day of their lives.
And then you see those situations, and you have the foresight to step back for a change rather than get involved.
I also learned that life is pretty dramatic as it is and it throws you plenty of challenges. So you don't really need to create any more and go out there on a mission to have more drama, you can just leave it.
I also finally realized you know well , those people say to you. They say you need to be alone before you can or be by yourself before you can meet someone else. I used to think those people were boring. Now I think that right, they`re definitely probably right. Because I think sometimes actually
when we actually confront our aloneness, and we start to deal with our needs and the past and all that horrible pain that, you know, as people, we just collect and carry with us throughout our lives.
When we deal with that, and we're not running from it, in endless people or endless dates. When we don't have anything to prove anymore.
When you don't need a destructive, ridiculous on-off relationship, in order to feel alive, in order to feel like you exist ,when you can just be, I kind of actually think that's real love.
Thanks very much.
小小张说 回复 @小小张说: 文稿就在下边的简介里边,是全的,
你的身后如果中了冷箭,说明你走在他们前面 你会被他们伤到,说明你走得还不够远,还在他们的射程以内 所以不要停下来解释自己,为此你需要往前走,直到谁也伤不了你
听友191321496 回复 @宋洛辰_超级演说家:
小小张说 回复 @听友91441499: 真好
一首词道尽女孩心思: 蝶恋花·一日芳华 (宋)无名氏 绿叶红桃微风送,子佩飘摇,一眼心已动。点点笑容入春梦,繁华开尽把花弄。 无奈心情谁与共?青青年华,悠悠愁思重。梨花终是多情种,心隔千山怎相逢?
小小张说 回复 @听友468106370: 纤云弄巧,飞星传恨,银汉迢迢暗度。 金风玉露一相逢,便胜却人间无数。 柔情似水,佳期如梦,忍顾鹊桥归路! 两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮。
小小张说 回复 @听友247567431: 就这
听友445450533 回复 @小小张说: 你放到评论里最好
小小张说 回复 @梦之半夏: 字幕在这里
小小张说 回复 @听友404535885: 这是最理想的状态,但是这种状态几个人能达到?对方又是否接受你的这种状态。
南飞雁Tina图土_fv 回复 @小小张说: 用心好主播