【和Emily一起练口语】she passed out

【和Emily一起练口语】she passed out

  • ge36ffbb2s4ruepv0p3z

    She passed out. 她晕倒了。 She passed out because she didn't eat for three days. 她因为三天没吃东西晕倒了。 He felt sick,and dizzy and then passed out. 他感觉恶心,眩晕,接着就晕倒了。 She passed out when she heard the bad news. 她听到坏消息后就晕倒了。

    佼佼421525 回复 @ge36ffbb2s4ruepv0p3z: 谢谢你提供英文文本!

  • 一饮而尽的王老吉

    He felt sick and dizzy,and then he passed out.

    Vicki_d1 回复 @一饮而尽的王老吉: 没有he

  • Laukam

    she passed out because she did not eat for three days.

  • CHEN81

    cut to the chase 切入正题

  • 一饮而尽的王老吉

    She passed out when she heard the bad news.

  • 一饮而尽的王老吉

    She passed out because she didn't eat for three days.

  • 1822055eijx

    She passed out. 她晕倒了。 She passed out because she didn't eat for three days. 她因为三天没吃东西晕倒了。 He felt sick,and dizzy and then passed out. 他感觉恶心,眩晕,接着就晕倒了。 She passed out when she heard the bad news. 她听到坏消息后就晕倒了。 背景音乐:Dave Frishberg-Let's eat home

  • JD_x4

    She passed out 她晕倒了 1.She passed out because she didn’t eat for three days. 2.She felt sick and dizzy and then pass out. 3.She pass out when she heard the bad news.

  • 佐女子


    vluo2 回复 @佐女子: 命令的口气啊