Part 1 全课带读
Part 2 拆分带读、慢速带读、中速带读
Part 3 全课带读
1. You're finally out of bed. 你终于起床了。
2. When are we leaving? 我们什么时候出发?
3. In twenty minutes. You need to get dressed quickly. 二十分钟后。你需要赶紧把衣服穿好。
4. Okay. I'll go brush my teeth and wash my face. 好,我去刷牙洗脸。
5. I want to take a warm shower. 我想洗个热水澡。
6. Are you ready to go? 你们(准备好)可以出发了吗?
7. Give me a minute. I have to comb my hair. 等一下,我得梳个头。
8. Don't forget to make your bed! 别忘了叠被子!
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need可做情态动词,need的形式不变。 need做实义动词,need的形式会随时态而改变。 take a warm shower at night. take a warm shower in the morning.
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