09-Are Your Caveman Instincts Making You Crazy

09-Are Your Caveman Instincts Making You Crazy


Are Your Caveman Instincts Making You Crazy?

Our ancestors lived in constant fear for their life and stayed alive by relying on their instincts to sense danger. Today, we face much less danger than they did. Yet those instincts to sense danger are still strong in us and unfortunately they can tell you that you are being threatened even when you are not.

The dangers our ancestors faced were real, immediate and life-threatening. Those dangers were not abstract images displayed on an electronic screen. Yet today when we see images on an electronic screen our instincts can sense life-threatening danger even when our life in not being threatened at all. Such false danger signals are now causing widespread fear, emotional distress and unwarranted aggressiveness in individuals, and divisions in societies.

Many groups today are attempting to advance their interests by deliberately inflaming your primal fear for survival and your primal distrust of "other" groups and people. Business advertisements try to inflame your primal fears and distrust of others for the purpose of selling you their solutions. Media tries to inflame your primal fears and distrust of others for the purpose of getting you to respond to their advertising. Politicians try to inflame your primal fears and distrust of others for the purpose of turning you against others and gaining your support. Religions try to inflame your primal fears and distrust of others for the purpose of disempowering and enslaving you.  

Where you put your attention is what your life becomes. So, if you want a good, happy life, then you need to get really good at filtering out all the crap that is constantly coming at you. Reading the news in print on an electronic screen will upset you much less than watching it as video. Watching stupid stuff or people hurting each other on an electronic screen is what you are becoming.

