






Pocahontas  L2

风中奇缘 L2


'I was afraid for you,' he said. 'But you're not dead!'



'No, of course not,' said Smith. 'What's the matter? '



'It's the Indians,' Wingfield said. 'They're trying to kill us. Yesterday, they nearly(2) killed me!'



'Well, what did you do?' Smith asked. 'Our men have guns, and the Indians are very afraid of guns.'



'But there were hundreds of Indians,' said Wingfield, 'and...we weren't ready. Our guns were on the ships. '



'Why?' asked Smith angrily. 'The men must always be ready(3); they must carry(4) their guns with them. The Indians tried to kill you because they weren't afraid of you.'



'Yes, but—we must be nice to them,' said Wingfield.



'We can be friendly, but we must be careful first,' said Smith. 'We must build good walls round the town, and put the big guns(5) from the ships on them. Then the Indians can't kill us. '



For a month everyone worked hard. They built walls round the town, and moved the big guns from the ships. But the men were afraid to work in the fields, because of(6) the Indians. And the sun got hotter, and hotter.



In June Newport went back to(1) England with two of the ships. A hundred and five men stayed in Jamestown. They had very little food. The corn from England was now bad, and the new corn in the fields was not ready. The river water was bad too, and soon many of the men were ill with a fever. Forty-six men died that summer.



Some of the men tried to leave Jamestown and go home in the ship, but Smith stopped them. 'We're here to work, and to build a new town,' he said. 'But first, we must find food. There are birds in the sky, fish in the river, animals in the forest — we must kill them and eat them. And we must get corn from the Indians, too. I can do that.'



Smith wasn't afraid of the Indians, but he was always very careful. He carried his gun all the time(7). Most of the Indians were afraid of Smith, but they liked him too. He was friendly, and he loved their beautiful country. And he learned their language, because he wanted to talk to them and understand them. Often, he gave the Indians little things from England, and they gave him food.



But when winter came, there were only fifty men alive(8) in Jamestown. They had some food, but they needed more. The Virginian winter is long and cold, and fifty men need a lot of food.



In December Smith went up the river in a boat with nine men. Two of the friendly Indians went with them. It was very cold, and the Englishmen were hungry. But Smith was happy and excited.



'I'm going to find food for Christmas,' he said to the men in Jamestown. 'Wait for me here, and work hard! This is a beautiful country, and we're going to stay here! '







1. come back to 回到哪里,返回哪里(可替换为 return to)


I hope she can come back to me.



2. nearly 几乎,差不多(相当于 almost)


Nearly all of them live in England.



3. be ready 做好准备


We have to be ready by then.



4. carry sth. with sb. 随身携带某物


You cannot carry everything with you, so it is useful to have support teams to bring you food and drinks.



5. big gun 大口径的炮;大人物,有影响力的人物


He is a leader in the sign-making industry – a real big gun, if you know what I mean.



6. because of 因为,由于(相当于 as a result of)


I like her because of her politeness.



7. all the time 总是,一直(与 always 可以互换)


When I say this, most guys will laugh out because they do that all the time.



8. alive 活着的,活泼的

    stay alive 活着

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