DAY22 The Friend You Truly Need

DAY22 The Friend You Truly Need




DAY22The Friend You Truly Need


Many people come to us in our lives.

But most of them are just trivial passengers.

They show up here and there, now and then.

But they never really know us.

They never succeeded in opening the gate of our hearts.

They don't share the same experiences and values with us.

One's time is limited. Life is short.

And we should spend it in the things and people that are really worth our devotion.

So don't waste your precious time in maintaining those unnecessary relationships.

Find your own world. Find your own happiness. 

It is something better than fame, fortune or being perfect.

Sometimes, you may feel lonely.

But solitude will make your heart and mind stronger.

And it will make you see the world more clearly.

It will make you see yourself more clearly.

When you have this clearer view of yourself, you'll know better what suits you and what you really want.

Then, you have become a true warrior in this battlefield called life.

You no longer need most of these faceless people.

You can be fine all by yourself.

And if there are still a few people remaining around you, they are the ones that you truly need.

A friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out.

That is the most accurate definition that I have ever seen.

A friend is someone who changes your life just by being part of it, someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop, someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world.

So cherish the friends you truly need, they deserve you.

