02-Learning to Control Fire

02-Learning to Control Fire


Learning to Control Fire

Our earliest ancestors numbered a few tens of thousands at most and lived in small bands of several dozen each. At first, humans ate vegetation, which has low energy per weight. Meat has more energy per weight than vegetation and thus is a more efficient way to obtain the protein that is vital to survival. Eventually our ancestors figured out that when they ate meat they spent less time and energy finding food.  At first they killed animals and ate their flesh raw, but they found that the meat of animals killed in and cooked by wildfires was easier to digest, and thus its protein could be utilized more easily.

At first they intentionally set wild fires to kill and cook animals but that was inefficient. So they learned to control fire and to hunt. On vast, expansive grasslands hunters on foot would run animals down and kill them. They would station themselves at different locations and trade off running after an animal until it was totally exhausted. Then they would return to their campsite where a fire was always burning, and cook and eat their kill.  

Thus through learning to control the use of fire, humans insured themselves a steady diet of vital, dense, meat protein. That high energy diet then caused the human brain to increase in size from 400 – 500 cubic centimeters to 1,500 – 1,700 cubic centimeters today. It was this tripling of brain size that provided them with the memory capacity that was essential for developing what were to become our breakout skills as a species – abstract thinking and language. 

  • 彦_er


  • Chenyjieee


  • 锦衣夜行的小棉袄


    杰西聊英语 回复 @锦衣夜行的小棉袄: 好的,之后会再改进

  • 13763332sqh


    杰西聊英语 回复 @13763332sqh: 哈哈哈

  • 偷故事的崽

    因此,通过学习控制火的使用,人类保证了他们自己稳定的饮食,包括重要的、密集的、肉类蛋白质。高能量饮食导致人类大脑的体积从400 - 500立方厘米增大到今天的1500 - 1700立方厘米。正是这三倍的脑容量为他们提供了记忆能力,这对于发展我们作为一个物种的突破性技能——抽象思维和语言——是至关重要的。

  • 偷故事的崽


  • 偷故事的崽

    学会控制火势 我们最早的祖先最多只有几万人,每个人都生活在几十人的小圈子里。一开始,人类吃植物,植物的单位重量能量很低。肉的单位重量比植物有更多的能量,因此是获取对生存至关重要的蛋白质的一种更有效的方法。最终,我们的祖先发现,当他们吃肉时,他们花在寻找食物上的时间和精力更少了。起初,他们宰杀动物,生吃它们的肉,但他们发现,在森林大火中宰杀和烹饪的动物肉更容易消化,因此其蛋白质更容易被利用。