【口语搭配】work up两个必备口语用法

【口语搭配】work up两个必备口语用法


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  • 刘厚谦

    if you try to run marathon,you are going to slowly practice,running maybe five kilometers,then you are working up to ten kilometers, then fifteen kilometers,twenty kilometers,you are working up to your goal.

    听友200565163 回复 @刘厚谦: good

  • 听友98734628


    听友209376285 回复 @我爱你loveyou: 没有

  • 听友18792824

    work up the courage 提起勇气做什么

    陈年旧事呀 回复 @听友18792824: 为什么不是woke up to the courage?请解惑

  • 听友18792824

    Work up to sth/to doing sth 提升到

    李落棠 回复 @听友18792824: 大佬,请教教我

  • Lydia兰

    if you're trying to a marathon, you're going to slowly practice,running maybe five kilometers at first. Then you're working up to ten kilometers, then fifteen, then twent…… 1.work up to sth or to doing sth.逐渐进步 2.work up the courage to.鼓起勇气 Peter is working up his courage to drop out.

    杨芳爱 回复 @Lydia兰: 为什么你干不过一楼

  • 不二_gus




  • Livealone_OP

    If you try to run Marathon,you going to slowly practice

    Stellar_4i 回复 @Livealone_OP: if you are trying to..

  • 碎冰冰的双下巴

    1.work up to sth/doing sth 达到某种程度/级别,接近目标,逐渐进步,不断提升;达到某种级别可以做某事。 2.work up the courage to do sth…有某种勇气做某事 be working up the courage to do sth.

  • 听友18792824

    work up to

    听友207148132 回复 @听友18792824: 加好友