01-How Humans Came to Dominate Earth

01-How Humans Came to Dominate Earth


How Humans Came to Dominate Earth

The extinction of dinosaurs 65 million years ago left niches on Earth, in which the ancestors of humans could flourish. 

Yet, from the time the dinosaurs were wiped out it took 64.8 million more years before humans first appeared on Earth about 200,000 years ago.

About 99% of the 3 billion species that ever lived on Earth are now extinct, mainly because they did not adapt to changing conditions. You are here today, because your ancestors in every one of the past 10,000 generations figured out how to survive against such very long odds. They survived because each generation figured out how to adapt to the changing conditions in which they found themselves. Now it's our turn to figure out how to adapt to the changing conditions in which we find ourselves, thus insuring the survival of coming generations.  

In The Social Conquest of Earth, Edward Wilson describes how human domination of Earth today resulted from a series of adaptations by our earliest ancestors. Those ancient adaptations became deeply ingrained instincts in us that today determine many of our automatic responses and behaviors. Many of those instincts still serve to keep us alive, but some instincts from those caveman days now threaten our survival. But we're getting ahead of our story. Let's start from the beginning.  

Of the many adaptations that got us here, we owe our appearance on Earth largely to having learned to control fire and to our highly unusual instinct to build and defend an established nest.  

  • 双鱼座_hd


  • 拿不到导游证不改名


    杰西聊英语 回复 @拿不到导游证不改名: 乖,莫慌

  • 偷故事的崽

    在《人类征服地球》一书中,爱德华·威尔逊描述了今天人类对地球的统治是如何通过我们最早的祖先的一系列适应而形成的。那些古老的适应变成了我们根深蒂固的本能,这些本能决定了我们今天的许多自动反应和行为。这些本能中有许多仍在帮助我们生存,但穴居时代的一些本能现在威胁着我们的生存。但我们已经超越了我们的故事。让我们从头开始。 在我们来到地球的众多适应中,我们能够出现在地球上,很大程度上要归功于我们学会了如何控制火,以及我们非常不寻常的本能——建造和保卫已经建立的巢穴。

    mia猫猫咪咪呀 回复 @偷故事的崽: 👣👁👨🏻👩🏼👧🏻👀👶🏻👥👤🤡😈🤢🧠🦷👂🏼👅☠️🤭😭😏👄👎🏻😾👽👹👺🎃😀😃😄😆😀😃😄😄😁😆😂😂🤣☺️😊

  • Kilin

    Who give you such confident?

    superb_7127 回复 @Kilin: Hhhhh maybe对有些人真有用,对我是真没用,越听越精神

  • 偷故事的崽

    人类是如何统治地球的 6500万年前恐龙的灭绝在地球上留下了小生境,人类祖先可以在那里繁衍生息。 然而,从恐龙灭绝开始,又过了6480万年,人类才在大约20万年前首次出现在地球上。 曾经生活在地球上的30亿物种中,约99%已经灭绝,主要是因为它们没有适应不断变化的环境。你们今天站在这里,是因为你们的祖先在过去的一万个世代中,每一个人都找到了如何在如此漫长的生存几率下生存的方法。他们幸存下来是因为每一代人都找到了适应环境变化的方法。现在轮到我们来弄清楚如何适应我们所处的不断变化的环境,从而确保未来几代人的生存。

  • 子穆长安


  • 染墨渊博

    有点困了(இдஇ; )

  • 皓初


  • 听友226664712


    杰西聊英语 回复 @听友226664712: 听不懂就困啦

  • 金陵海棠
