





The Hound of the Baskervilles L11

巴斯克维尔猎犬 L11

'Barrymore and his wife have a very fine home and nothing to do while the family is not living in the Hall,' said Sir Henry.


'That's true,' said Holmes. 'Did the Barrymores receive anything from Sir Charles' will?⑴⑵ And did they know that they would get some money when he died?'


'Yes,' said Dr Mortimer. 'They each received £500, and Sir Charles told everyone what he had written in his will.'


'That's very interesting,' said Holmes.


'I hope you don't suspect everyone who got something from the will,' said Dr Mortimer. 'I received £1000.'


'Indeed!' said Holmes. 'And who else received money?'


'A lot of people received a little money. He gave a lot of money to a number of hospitals. The rest all went to Sir Henry, who received £740000.'


'I had no idea it was so much,' said Holmes in surprise.


'The Baskerville lands are worth about one million pounds,' Dr Mortimer said.


'Dear me,' said Holmes. 'A man could kill for that much. One more question. If something happened to our young friend here, who would get Baskerville Hall and all its lands?'


'Well, as you know, Sir Charles had two brothers. Sir Henry is the only son of Sir Charles' younger brother. The youngest brother of the three, Roger, was a criminal. The police wanted him, so he had to leave England. They say he looked exactly like the family picture of old Sir Hugo, who first saw the Hound. He was the same kind of man, too. He went to South America, where he died of a fever. So if Sir Henry died, Baskerville Hall would go to James Desmond, who is a cousin of the Baskervilles. James Desmond is an old man, who lives in the north of England. His life is very simple and he would not want to be rich.'


'Thank you, Dr Mortimer,' said Holmes. 'Now, Sir Henry, I agree that you should go to Baskerville Hall as quickly as possible. But you must not go alone. I myself cannot leave London at the present time. I am working on another case. I am trying to save one of the most important men in England from a difficult situation. I hope my friend Watson will go with you. If there is danger, you could not have a better man by your side.'


Sir Henry and I were both very happy with this idea. So we arranged to travel to Devonshire on the following Saturday.


Just as we were leaving Sir Henry's room, he gave a cry and got down on his knees by the table.


'Here's my brown shoe that was lost,' he said, reaching under the table.


'That's very strange,' said Dr Mortimer. 'We both searched the room before lunch, and it wasn't under the table then.'




1.receive 接受,接收

   received 普遍接受的,公认的

拓展:receive a gift 接受礼物

           receive a letter 接收信件

           receive a call 接电话

           receive a payment 收款

           receive education 接受教育

           received pronunciation 公认标准发音(RP)

2.will 意愿,心愿;遗嘱

拓展:impose one’s will on someone 把某人的意志强加于别人

          against your will 违背你自己的意愿

          in one's will 在某人的遗嘱里

例句:He accused her of trying to impose her will on others.


           My grandfather left me some money in his will.


3.suspect 怀疑,猜想

例句:I suspected that there was something wrong with the engine.


           I suspect she knows.


           I suspect he took the money.


           I suspect they have met before.


4.go to 表示某种体验或者处于某种状态;授予(某人)

例句:I lay down and went to sleep.


          And the award goes to…


          All the money raised will go to local charities.


5.work on 忙于做某事

   be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事(= be occupied with doing sth.)

例句:He has spent the last two years working on a book about childcare.


          She is busy learning. = She’s occupied with learning. = She’s been working on learning something herself.


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