Day 1

Day 1



1. People are applauding the players.  


2. The lawns are being watered.  


3. The man is putting on his glasses.  


4. She is carrying two buckets. 


5. She is digging in the ground.  


6. They are moving in opposite directions. 


7. The men are mowing lawns.  


8. He is playing a musical instrument on stage.  


9. The road is being paved.  


10. The woman is paying for an item.  


11. The pharmacist is handing some medicine to the patient. 


12. Trees are being planted.  


13. They’re playing on a swing in the playground.  


14. A woman is pointing at something on adrawing. 


15. A man is taking a picture. 


16. A waiter is pouring water into cups.  


17. He is putting on a laboratory coat.  


18. They are taking off their uniforms.   


19. The man is reaching for his wallet.  


20. The ladder is being repaired.   


21. He is working on the roof.   


22. She is handing the scheduler to her friend.   


23. A woman is shopping around in the supermarket.   


24. They are strolling arm in arm.   


25. A microphone has been placed symmetrically.   


26. The horse is walking along the edge ofthe water.  


  • 一颗果子梨


    听地书 回复 @一颗果子梨: 明明是女的是英音。男的是美音!!!

  • 听友225482437

    请问这个背诵是指要 什么都不能看 比如只看中文意思可以说出正确句子 这样也不行吗? 只能按照 记住顺序没有任何提示 背出每一条句子吗?

    跛子拜 回复 @听友225482437: 这些句子都是托业听力考试常考的场景,出现的单词以及用法也都是托业考试经常出现的,至于这份资料要怎么背怎么记,那就要看自己的学习习惯了哈

  • 铃风Lingfeng


    跛子拜 回复 @铃风Lingfeng: 加油!一起努力,

  • LGLR


    清风与凌 回复 @LGLR: applaud v. 为...喝彩,欢呼

  • Datang_9p

    如何显示中英文对照文稿 ,不显示AI文稿

  • 听友38617086

    22是schedule 不是scheduler吧

    小火龙喷火 回复 @听友38617086: scheduler 有这个单词。 n. 调度程序,日程安排程序;计划员;时间调度员;程序机,调度机;调度程序;制表人

  • 康静非


    Sunflower_studying 回复 @康静非: 文本在哪呀?

  • 藏起来的尾巴


    跛子拜 回复 @藏起来的尾巴: 哈哈,要加油哦(ง •̀_•́)ง

  • 16斤

    2 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 17 19 20 21 23 24 25

  • 听友85611552
