【和Emily一起练口语】It depends

【和Emily一起练口语】It depends



  • 豆豆妈妈_he

    I don't know if we can help it all depends

  • 听友60397572

    Is he coming? It depends he may not have the time

  • 听友60397572

    I shouldn't be too late but it depends if the traffic is bad

  • flaglu

    It depends 看情况而定 It depends on you.取决于你。 I don’t know if we can help, it all depends. I shouldn’t be too late. But it depends if the traffic is bad. A:Is he coming? B:It depends. A:He may not have the time.

  • JD_x4

    It depends 看情况而定 It depends on you I don’t know if we can help, it all depends. I shouldn’t be too late. But it depends the traffic is bad. Is he coming? It depends. He may not have the time.

    米线Michelle 回复 @JD_x4: But it depends if the traffic is bad. Is he coming?

  • 冰冻时刻_yQ

    It depends 看情况而定 It depends on you.取决于你。 I don’t know if we can help, it all depends. I shouldn’t be too late. But it depends if the traffic is bad. A:Is he coming? B:It depends. He may not have the time.

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