H: So many guys tell stories about your work ethic.
K: Yeah.
H: What was really your work ethic like, and for howlong did you stay disciplined?
K: Well, I mean I mean every day. I mean, since 20years. It was an everyday process. And trying to figure outstrengths and weaknesses. For example, jumping ability. Man, my vertical was a40. It wasn't a 46 or 45. My hands are big, but they're not massive,right?
So you gotta figure out ways to strengthen them, soyour hands are strong enough to be able to palm a ball and do the things thatyou need to do. Quickness. I was quick but not insanely quick. I was fast butnot ridiculously fast right, right?
So I had to rely on skill a lot more. I had to relyon angles a lot more. I had to study the game a lot more. And but I enjoyedthat though. So like from the time I was, I can't remember when I startedwatching the game, I studied the game and it just never changed.
It's a good separation for me, you know,emotionally to be able to put myself in a place where at practice or when I'mtraining or during games, I switched my mind to something else. I switched mymode into something else, right?
For me, it's the equivalent of Maximus Decimus Meridiusin Gladiator picking up the dirt, smelling the dirt. It's go time, right? Sothat was my mental switch. I was like an actor getting ready for a film. Yougotta put yourself in that cage. When you're in that cage, you are thatcharacter. And when you leave, there is something completely different. WhenI'm in that cage, bro, don't touch me. Don't talk to me. Leave me alone.
对于我来说,这就像角斗士Maximus Decimus Meridius在战场上拾起一把尘土,仔细闻它,然后接下来马上就要开始行动了,对吧?这就是我在精神状态上的转换。我就像一个准备好拍电影的演员,我要让自己全身心置身于那个情景,在这时,我就是要扮演的角色本身。完工离开的时候,我的状态又和此前完全不同了。朋友,当我在那个情景中的时候,不要碰我,不要跟我讲话,让我自己一个人待着。