2. 伊凡·蒲宁获奖演说(1933年诺贝尔文学奖)_part 02
But I should have proved a paltry egotist if on that ninth of November I had thought only of myself. Overwhelmed by the congratulations and telegrams that began to flood me, I thought in the solitude and silence of night about the profound meaning in the choice of the Swedish Academy. For the first time since the founding of the Nobel Prize, you have awarded it to an exile. Who am I in truth? An exile enjoying the hospitality of France, to whom I likewise owe ab eternal debt of gratitude. But, gentlemen of the Academy, let me say that irrespective of my person and my work, your choice in itself is a gesture of great beauty. It is necessary that there should be centres of absolute independence in the world. No doubt, all difference of opinion, of philosophical and religious creeds, are represented around this table. But we are united by one truth, the freedom of thought and conscience. To this freedom, we owe civilization. For us writers, especially, freedom is a dogma and an axiom. Your choice, gentlemen of the Academy, has proved once more that in Sweden, the love of liberty is truly a national cult.