10月22日英语:超七成青年过'倍速生活' Chinese live sped-up lives

10月22日英语:超七成青年过'倍速生活' Chinese live sped-up lives


Chinese live sped-up lives

More than 76% of Chinese young people think they are living a sped-up life, according to a survey by the China Youth Daily covering 1,993 people aged between 18 and 35. Young people surveyed living in first- and second-tier cities widely consider they live a faster lifestyle, at 78.9% and 77.6%, respectively. 《中国青年报》对1993名18至35周岁受访者进行的一项调查显示,超过76%的受访青年称自己过着"倍速生活",其中一、二线城市青年中认为自己过着"倍速生活"的比例分别达到78.9%和77.6%。

However, 83.1% of the interviewees find that although they are busy every day, they do not have the sense of fulfillment they expected. The advent of the information age and higher self-expectation are regarded as two major reasons why young people live a fast-paced life, according to experts.

British MPs back Brexit delay

The British government insisted on Sunday the country will leave the European Union on Oct 31 despite a letter that Prime Minister Boris Johnson was forced by parliament to send to the bloc requesting a Brexit delay. The Brexit maelstrom has spun wildly in the past week between the possibility of an orderly exit on Oct 31 with a deal that Johnson struck on Thursday and a delay after he was forced to ask for an extension late on Saturday. 

Johnson's defeat in the British parliament over the sequencing of the ratification of his deal exposed the prime minister to a law passed by those opposed to a no deal departure, demanding he request a delay until Jan 31. Johnson sent the request note as required, but unsigned, and added another signed letter arguing against what he cast as a deeply corrosive delay. One of his most senior ministers said Britain would still leave the bloc on Oct 31. 

"We are going to leave by Oct 31. We have the means and the ability to do so," said Michael Gove, the minister in charge of no-deal Brexit preparations. "That letter was sent because parliament required it to be sent ... but parliament can't change the prime minister's mind, parliament can't change the government's policy or determination."

Japan’s children eat best

Japan manages a rare feat for a developed country when it comes to feeding its children - high scores for nutrition but very low obesity rates. One major key? School lunches. A landmark report by the UN's children agency UNICEF shows Japan topping the charts for childhood health indicators, with low rates of infant mortality and few underweight children. 

Experts say there are various factors at work, including a health-conscious society and regularly mandated check-ups for children, but a nationwide school lunch program also plays a key role. The lunches are mandatory - no packed lunches allowed - and while they are not free for most, they are heavily subsidized. 

Each meal is designed to have around 600-700 calories balanced between carbohydrates, meat or fish and vegetables. One sample meal served to children in Japan's Gunma gives an example of the flavor: Rice with grilled fish and a spinach and sprout dish, served with miso soup with pork, alongside milk and dry prunes.

China 2nd in net development

China ranks second globally in the development of the internet, trailing only the US, said a report released Sunday. Among all countries, China ranks first in the application of the internet, and second in innovation capacity and industry development, according to the World Internet Development Report 2019, which was released during the 6th World Internet Conference held in the river town of Wuzhen in Zhejiang province. 

However, China has much room for improvement in the development of internet infrastructure and cybersecurity capability, the report said. As of June, the number of Chinese internet users reached 854 million and the internet penetration rate was 61.2%.

  • 包包_06


  • 李仙姑姑哇


  • 听友91377283


    dyc0deza76df0cwl75ui 回复 @听友91377283: 亲是英语专业吗?如果是,我觉得还是听原速的好!开始的时候可以看了原文再听,接着可以一边看一边听,最后就可以只听了!坚持一个月看看,会有意想不到的收获

  • 土丫_95


  • 屁桃心

    sped-up life n.倍速生活 fast-paced life the advent of information age higher self-expectation top the charts 占据榜首 infant mortality婴儿死亡率 There are various factors at work.由多种因素造成 sth also plays a key role prune n.西梅干 internet penetration 互联网普及率

  • Louis666888

    给大家讲个鬼故事 我和Charlie相依为命两年了

  • Cheks

    哭了 好快

  • 听友186959216


    Doria小雅 回复 @听友186959216: 这个速度跟雅思听力是一样的,哈哈,可以点0.75倍速哦

  • 听友194701171


  • Lucky_ebf
