[名校励志英语演讲] 名校励志英语演讲 第89期:如何实现你的梦想

[名校励志英语演讲] 名校励志英语演讲 第89期:如何实现你的梦想

[名校励志英语演讲] 名校励志英语演讲 第89期:如何实现你的梦想
  • 四月的筝

    When I graduated from college, I spent a lot of time thinking about how cool it would be to be on the Johnny Carson show. A few years later, it happened. We appeared on the "Tonight" show, Joey Bishop was the guest host. We were dreadful. For years I ran into people who would stop me and say, "Hey, I saw you on the "Tonight" show. Huh... What's Joey Bishop like?" Eventually I got over the embarrassment, but I never got those years back — years I spent waiting for some future event to make me happy. I had tricked myself into thinking, "As soon as I get there, I'll be OK." 我大学毕业时,时常想如过能出现在约翰尼·卡尔森的脱口秀节目中该有多酷。几年后,我的这个梦想实现了。我们参加了“今夜秀”,乔伊·比夏普是嘉宾主持。我们的表演糟糕极了。数年之后,我还会撞见一些人,他们会问我,“嘿,我看你参加了‘今夜秀’,乔伊·比夏普怎么样?”最终我走出了这种窘境,但那过去的几年再也回不来了,那几年我只是在等待未来可能会发生某种事情让我感觉高兴。我曾欺骗自己,“只要能到那里,我就会过得很好。”

    听友104510311 回复 @四月的筝: 666

  • 四月的筝

    Don't think about your future, especially right now. You'll miss my speech. There will be plenty of time to contemplate your future right after the ceremony, but then you'll miss all the celebrating and adulation. So just wait until you get home and have a good think about something that will happen in the future that will make you happy. 第一,不要思索你们的未来,特别是在现在这个时候。否则你就会错过我的毕业演讲。毕业典礼后,你们有大把的时间思考未来,但那时你们会怀念所有这些欢庆与喝彩。所以,等到回家后再好好去想未来将会发生的可以让你高兴的事情。

    甲虫_2Q 回复 @四月的筝:

  • 扣纽扣综合症

    补充四月的筝:I work in a business where almost everyone is waiting for the next big thing. Sometimes,it comes. And sometimes, it doesn't. But it

  • 独角夫


  • 扣纽扣综合症

    doesn't matter that your dream came true, if you spent your whole life sleeping. So get out there and go for it. But don't be caught waiting

  • 无路请缨

    我大学毕业时时常想如过能出现在(?)的节目中该有多酷。几年后我的这个梦想实现了。我们参加了“tonight show”,(?)是主持。我们的表演很差。数年之后,我撞见一些人,他们会问我,“嘿,我看你参加了‘tonight show’,()怎么样?”最终我走出这种窘境,

  • 扣纽扣综合症

    It's great to plan for your future. Just don't live there. Because really nothing ever happens in the future.

  • 无路请缨


  • 胖蛇蛇


  • 无路请缨

    但那几年回不来了,那几年我只是在等待未来可能会发生某种事情让我感觉高兴。我欺骗自己,“只要能到那里,我就会过得很好。” 我在一个几乎每一个人都在等待一件大事的地方上班。而这种大事有时会发生,有时则不会发生。如果你一生都在睡觉,你的梦想是否实现就无关紧要了。