英国FCO特使乔安娜·罗珀 | 促进英中两国性别平等讲话

英国FCO特使乔安娜·罗珀 | 促进英中两国性别平等讲话


Hello. My name is Joanna Roper, I’m the special envoy for gender equality and the foreign office in the United Kingdom. And I’m delighted to be back in China today to talk with government and officials, businesses about gender equality in China and how we work together.


The UK government is committed to promoting global gender equality, because we know as understood that empowering women and girls will bring prosperity, peace, stability and reduces poverty. We want to support all women and girls, as well as men, to ensure that they reach their potential.


In China, since 2016 the British embassy and its network has run more than 50 events in 20 cities around the country under our”Be Yourself” campaign. We’ve raised the visibility of male and female role models from the UK and China, successfully challenging gender stereotypes which we know are harmfully and holding back women and men, girls and boys.


This year, the campaign has work with over 80 British and Chinese companies in China, who have pledged to create a more equal and an inclusive workplace. And that’s an incredible achievement.


This year, the theme for International Women’s Day was “Balance for Better”. And we know when we bring great balance within social, political and economic environments everybody benefits, and surely that’s a good thing. Please join with us in the conversation, and I hope we can work together. Thank you!


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    FCO: Foreign and Commonwealth Office 外交和联邦事务部

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