走遍美国精讲0103下 | 美女登门还包皆大欢喜

走遍美国精讲0103下 | 美女登门还包皆大欢喜




Hello. �

Does Richard Stewart live here? 

�Yes, he's my brother. �

I'm Robbie...Robbie Stewart. �

I'm Alexandra Pappas. �

How do you do? �

Your brother left his bag of film on the ferryboat.

 �I found it. �

I'm really glad to see you. 

�I mean...my brother'll be really glad to see you! 


Who is it? Robbie �It's Richard's film!

 �I mean, Alexandra Pappas. �

Come in, please.�

Alexandra! �

Hello, Richard. 

I found your bag!

 �Oh, thank you! 

Thank you! �

Um...Alexandra, let me introduce you. �

This is my wife Marilyn.�

Richard showed me your photo. �

How do you do? �

Oh yes. �

Richard told us all about you. �

It's nice to meet you. 

�And this is my mother, Ellen Stewart. 

�How do you do? �

And my father, Dr. Philip Stewart. 

�Nice to meet you, Alexandra. �

And...ah...you met Robbie.�


 And you must be Susan.


�Hi. Welcome. 

�I'm so glad you found the bag �and took the time and trouble to return it. 

�Oh, it was no trouble. �

I just took the wrong train. �

Would you like something to eat? �

Thank you, no.

 �I'm late for dinner at my house. 

�I really have to go. 

�Would you like to call home?

 �I'd appreciate that. �

Please, use the phone. 


Excuse me. �

Alexandra's a high-school exchange student from Greece. �

Where does she live?

 �With a family in the Bronx.

 �Oh, that's not too far from here! �

Take it easy, Robbie. �

Thank you. 

�I can only stay a few minutes. 

�Have some iced tea. �

Thanks, Mrs. Stewart. 

�Please sit down, Alexandra. 

�So, you're an exchange student. �

Where do you go to school?

�At the Bronx High School of Science. 

�Oh, that's a very good school. �

What are your favorite subjects? �

Biology and mathematics. �

Richard tells me you're a doctor. �

Yes, a pediatrician. �

And what does your father do? 

�He's a lawyer, in Thessaloniki. �

Would you like some pasta? 

It might be a little cold. �

Thanks, no. 

I do have to go. 

�It was nice meeting you all. �

Well, maybe you'll come for lunch some Sunday, so we can really thank you for bringing Richard's bag back.


 �You're welcome anytime. �

Good-bye. �

Can I drive you home? �

No, thanks. 

�The train is just up the street.�

It won't take me long at all. �

Well, you really saved the day for me, Alexandra. �



�Good night. �

She's a smart young lady, and very nice. 

�Very! Hey, she forgot her bag! �

I guess we'll be seeing Alexandra again.�

 Right, Robbie?

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