9月26日英语:英高院判定暂停议会不合法 Parliament suspension unlawful

9月26日英语:英高院判定暂停议会不合法 Parliament suspension unlawful


Jiuzhaigou to reopen soon


Part of the Jiuzhaigou National Park inSichuan province will reopen to visitors on Friday on a trial basis, over twoyears after it was hit by a powerful earthquake, local authorities said Monday.During the trial period, the park will open from 8:30 am to 5 pm daily and receiveno more than 5,000 tourists per day. Tourists will need to buy tickets fromdesignated websites before visiting the area, according to the park'smanagement bureau, with all visitors required to join a tour group. On Aug 8,2017, a 7.0-magnitude quake forced the closure of the Jiuzhaigou National Park,a UNESCO World Heritage site famous for its spectacular waterfalls, lushforests and serene plateau lakes. After more than two years of rebuilding, 85%of the park's area is now ready to receive tourists, according to the bureau.


Impeachment inquiry of Trump



Democrats finally made their move againstUS President Donald Trump on Tuesday. Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced that theHouse of Representatives will open an impeachment inquiry following reportsthat Trump pushed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy for helpinvestigating Democrat Joe Biden and his son during a summer phone call."The actions taken to date by the president have seriously violated theConstitution," Pelosi said. "The president must be held accountable.No one is above the law." The probe will center on whether Trump soughthelp from a foreign government in his bid for reelection next year. Formervice-president Joe Biden is a top contender for the Democratic presidentialnomination. Trump, who was meeting with world leaders at the United Nations,said he was the victim of a witch-hunt and vowed to make public the transcriptof his call with Ukraine's leader.

民主党最终还是对美国总统特朗普下手了。美国众议院议长南希·佩洛西25日宣布,众议院将启动对特朗普的弹劾调查,原因是有媒体爆料,特朗普今夏曾在电话中向乌克兰总统泽伦斯基施压,敦促其帮助调查民主党人乔·拜登及其儿子。佩洛西说:"总统的行为已经严重违反宪法规定。总统必须对其行为负责,没有人可以凌驾于法律之上。" 此次调查的核心是特朗普是否曾为明年竞选连任向外国政府寻求帮助。前副总统拜登是民主党内总统候选人的有力竞争者。正在联合国与各国领导会面的特朗普表示,他是政治迫害的受害者,还承诺将公开自己与乌克兰总统通话的文字记录。

Parliament suspension unlawful


The UK Supreme Court ruled on Tuesday thatBoris Johnson's decision to shut down parliament in the run-up to Brexit wasunlawful, but the prime minister said he disagreed and vowed that Britain wouldleave the EU by Oct 31, come what may. The judgment by all 11 of the court'ssitting justices undermines Johnson's already fragile grip on power and giveslegislators more scope to try to stop him taking Britain out of the bloc nextmonth, with or without a divorce deal. The Supreme Court ruling, the mostimportant constitutional legal verdict in decades, was a blistering rebuke ofJohnson's actions. Opposition leaders called on Johnson to resign immediatelyfor misleading Queen Elizabeth II, who had formally suspended parliament on hisadvice. But the prime minister said he would not quit. "The exciting thingfor us is to get a good deal," he said, although Britain and the EU are along way apart on substance.


1st amphibious assault ship


China's first amphibious assault ship waslaunched in Shanghai on Wednesday, coming closer to the completion of itsconstruction project. According to the Navy, the new ship, whose name remainsunknown as the Chinese military usually makes public a warship's name at its commissioningceremony, was domestically developed and constructed. It will have a strongcapability to carry out amphibious combat and other tasks. The Navy added thatin the next phase, engineers will start outfitting and fine-tuning the vessel'sequipment and then conduct mooring tests and sea trials. Observers familiarwith the PLA Navy's hardware have pointed out that the new ship is the first inthe Type 075 class of amphibious assault ship, which is also defined as a typeof landing helicopter dock.


  • _Mohan_


    听友190401509 回复 @_Mohan_: 嗯嗯

  • 15_ng2ke


    我是不知名 回复 @15_ng2ke: 真的是澳音orz

  • 警惕风险


  • 武藏郦捺_

    我想睡觉 结果被弹幕笑的头掉了

  • 陈志伟_fg


  • Jessie小苔花

    英国议会那段,with or without a divorce deal有无问题?主播自己更改读为 a brexit deal

  • 听友191288146


  • 我怀念的_wjo


    阳光小淑女 回复 @我怀念的_wjo: 能听懂一大半呀

  • 听友190157777


    15_ng2ke 回复 @听友190157777: 这是英语的正常语速....................

  • 海岛第一深情和平精英
