The Land of Stories 06 - Worlds Collide

The Land of Stories 06 - Worlds Collide


The Land of Stories 1  - Chris Colfer - Audiobook有声书音频 MP3

Age Range: 8 and up 

Written by: Chris Colfer

Narrated by: Chris Colfer

Grade Level: 3 - 7

这个故事里的主角是一对双胞胎兄妹——Alex and Conner,两个小家伙从祖母那里得到了一本珍贵的童话书,却没有想到这本书引领着他们进入了一个奇幻的世界,在这里,童话故事都是真实存在的,并且,在这个充满魔法的世界里,那些孩子们平日里所熟知的童话并没有结束,而是继续进行着——小红帽有了她自己的王国;而灰姑娘已经快要做妈妈了。。。两个孩子想要在这个童话世界中找到回家的路,但是却必须面对邪恶的王后的阻挠,他们,能顺利回家吗?

  • Mia苏米娅

    If you like this story you should definitely listen to Whatever after!

    ConnerBailey 回复 @Mia苏米娅: I read it before,it ’s so great!

  • 蜜蜜English


    StoryLover 回复 @蜜蜜English: it will be awkward with their birth father and stepfather

  • ConnerBailey

    Can anyone tell me more interesting audio books as interesting as this ? I don’t know what to listen now that this book is finished

    YukiQQ 回复 @ConnerBailey: Harry potter

  • yanqing_ck

    I wonder if Alex and Arthur are together in the end. It wasn't mentioned, and Arthur was supposed to have a beautiful qween as his wife.(I am just really wrapped up in the charactors in this book)

  • MatildaJ

    If every witch can control Alex, then why can't Hegeta reverse her curse?

    Snowflake888 回复 @MatildaJ: And Hagetta was only one person. Finally, Hagetta could not heal her because it was not only witchcraft, but also contained ancient magic

  • WillaGreen


  • 爱听书的Bear

    How nosy and disgusting the bookhuggers are! Can't they just mind their own business and leave the twins alone?

    爱听书的Bear 回复 @爱听书的Bear: I mean, they did save Conner and his friends, but that doesn't make up for them spying the house and poking their noses into other people's lives.

  • 1573826

    Ya guys gotta listen to keeper of the lost cities too

    Mia苏米娅 回复 @1389257wgcb: KOTLC rules!!

  • ChrissyGao

    Do you guys like Conner ?

    YukiQQ 回复 @ChrissyGao: Of course!