The Land of Stories 03 - A Grimm Warning

The Land of Stories 03 - A Grimm Warning


The Land of Stories 1  - Chris Colfer - Audiobook有声书音频 MP3

Age Range: 8 and up 

Written by: Chris Colfer

Narrated by: Chris Colfer

Grade Level: 3 - 7

这个故事里的主角是一对双胞胎兄妹——Alex and Conner,两个小家伙从祖母那里得到了一本珍贵的童话书,却没有想到这本书引领着他们进入了一个奇幻的世界,在这里,童话故事都是真实存在的,并且,在这个充满魔法的世界里,那些孩子们平日里所熟知的童话并没有结束,而是继续进行着——小红帽有了她自己的王国;而灰姑娘已经快要做妈妈了。。。两个孩子想要在这个童话世界中找到回家的路,但是却必须面对邪恶的王后的阻挠,他们,能顺利回家吗?

  • ConnerBailey

    yeah I just like this very much so I changed my username to ConnerBailey

  • 1301648oiqj


    若烟雨濛濛 回复 @1301648oiqj: Well,he doesn’t qualify as a villain,but I think that death might be the best and only way to clear himself.

    Sherry学英语 回复 @1301648oiqj: ☹️🤧😭😭🥺🥺😩😩☹️☹️😞😞

    Sherry学英语 回复 @陈华_m1: ☹️☹️

  • 布丁_Pudding


    若烟雨濛濛 回复 @Snowflake888: But he showed his disloyalty to Alex. I’m not saying that he’s a villain, but he is kind of weird.

    Sherry学英语 回复 @布丁_Pudding: If you guys love Alex so much

    Bree_2012 回复 @Karenina_E: Suppose he's not

  • 娇贵的猪


    猫族的最强战神猫小九 回复 @娇贵的猪: Me too!

    Bree_2012 回复 @娇贵的猪: Conner

    轩Elisa 回复 @娇贵的猪: I like them both

  • yanqing_ck


    萌萌_Kuromi 回复 @柳伟娜: Well girl I don’t think your English is good anyways like seriously I when I was 10 I could do 初三 English can you do that? I learnt English when I was 2

    柳伟娜 回复 @萌萌_Kuromi: of course because unlike you the person reading the book has English as a mother language

    萌萌_Kuromi 回复 @yanqing_ck: 而且发音准确

  • Observers039

    The “villains” are always more powerful, it seems that the fairy council is powerless

    Bree_2012 回复 @13810446mhp: They can change the rules

    13810446mhp 回复 @Observers039: They are gentle souls, they are not used to killing people .They don’t chuck rocks and grunt at each other like barbarians .