9月17日英语: 特朗普吐槽节能灯让他的脸太橘了!Trump blames color on bulbs

9月17日英语: 特朗普吐槽节能灯让他的脸太橘了!Trump blames color on bulbs


Trump blames color on bulbs

US President Donald Trump on Thursday evening claimed that energy efficient light bulbs make him look orange, one in a series of bizarre claims about green energy and climate conservation in remarks to Republican House members in Baltimore. "What's with the lightbulb?" Trump asked in his more than hour long remarks. 

He described energy efficient light bulbs as "many times more expensive than that old, incandescent bulb that worked very well" and "the lights no good." "The bulb that we're being forced to use, to me, most importantly, I always look orange," he said. 

Light bulbs have been a common target for the president who has used them as a symbol to criticize Obama-era energy and environmental restrictions. The Trump administration lifted energy efficiency regulations earlier for several common types of light bulbs, which critics believe is the administration's assault on efforts to combat climate change and energy use. 

Solid gold toilet stolen

An 18-carat solid gold toilet that was part of an art exhibit was stolen early on Saturday from the magnificent home in England where British wartime leader Winston Churchill was born. The toilet, titled "America", was created in 2016 by Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan. It was valued at roughly 1 million pounds.

It had been installed only two days earlier at Blenheim Palace, west of London. Police said the toilet was taken by thieves who used at least two vehicles. They believe the thieves left the spacious property about 4:50 am. A 66-year-old man was arrested in the case, but he has not been identified or charged.

Closed circuit TV footage is being studied in the investigation. Because it had been connected to the palace's plumbing system, police said the toilet's removal caused "significant damage and flooding" to the building, a UNESCO World Heritage site filled with valuable art and furniture.

Drones hit Saudi oil

Drone attacks on two Saudi Arabian oil production facilities on Saturday have halted about half of the supplies from the world's top exporter and raised global concerns over oil supplies. A 10-drone attack, for which Yemen's Houthi rebels have claimed responsibility, targeted Saudi state-owned oil company Aramco's facilities in Abqaiq and the Hijrat Khurais oilfield. 

The attacks resulted in "the temporary suspension of production operations," Saudi Energy Minister Abdulaziz bin Salman said Sunday in a statement. After Saturday's attacks, Saudi Arabia saw production cut by 5.7 million barrels a day.

Oxford tops rankings

Oxford University has been ranked first in the latest rankings by Times Higher Education (THE) for the fourth year in a row. The California Institute of Technology is in second place. The annual THE world rankings put Cambridge in third place and Imperial College London in 10th. US universities continue to dominate the rankings, taking seven of the top 10 places and 60 out of the top 200.

Asian university systems are catching up - with China and Japan continuing to perform strongly in the rankings. Chinese mainland has continued its ascent of the rankings this year and is now home to the top two universities in Asia for the first time. Tsinghua University holds on to the number one spot in the region, despite dropping one place since last year to 23rd, while Peking University is now second in Asia and 24th overall, after rising seven places. 

The National University of Singapore drops two places to 25th. Elsewhere in the top 200, the University of Science and Technology of China rises 13 places to joint 80th and Shanghai Jiao Tong University climbs 32 places to joint 157th.

  • 王的1女人

    第一则 我笑了

  • franklei

    Trump always speaks strangly

    我系Wendy 回复 @franklei: 就像抖音里的第一二个评论

  • 林陈nb


  • 微凉的夏日2


    Focus_ke 回复 @微凉的夏日2: 分解啥?

  • 圆缘园源巴拉巴拉


  • 1878221imlw

    请问this is China daily 后面一句是什么

    LaurieR 回复 @1878221imlw: audio news

  • Marshall_l3

    please don't speak with the London accent. thanx! Miss.Love you .Mua Mua!

  • micheljay


  • 落风残


  • 1392501eoss


    Focus_ke 回复 @1392501eoss: 挺高了 哈哈