01 Farm

01 Farm



Hello,Maisy.(Maisy is carrying a basket with her.梅西正拿着个篮子。)

Maisy' on the farm today.


Where are you doing now, Maisy?

(Maisy meets a flock of chickens on her way.)

(Maisy is collecting/gathering the eggs.梅西正在收集鸡蛋。)

One egg...two eggs...three eggs...

Are there any more?

Oh, what's that, Maisy? Ah, it's a kitten.

Who's that?

(There are two horses. Maisy feeds the houses with carrots in the stable.)

(Whoa! Careful, Maisy!)

Maisy is riding a house.

There's always lots of work to do on a farm.

And lots of funny smells, too!

In the pigpen/pigsty, Maisy shovels the pig manure into the wheelbarrow to get rid of the bad smells.

Maisy climbs up the ladder and picks the apples on the tree.

One apple...two apples... there apples...

Oh, hello again!

Oh, it's fedding time for the animals.

First Maisy feeds the geese.

Now it's time to go and give the baby lambs their milk.

Maisy is driving a tractor with the kitten.

Mmm, I bet that tastes good.

Time for bed, everybody.

Good night, piglets.

Good night, geese.

Good night, lambs.

Good night, foal.

Maisy covers the foal with a blanket.

Good night, chickens.

And good night, little chick.

Oh, and good night, kitten.

Bye bye, Maisy. Ssh!

Maisy spent a busy day on the farmk.

  • 听友92785367


  • hehcdx

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  • 听友92785367


  • 听友92785367
