Lesson 1.3 At the Airport在机场

Lesson 1.3 At the Airport在机场


Lesson 1.3  Atthe Airport在机场

1.   How long is the flight from New York to L.A.?从纽约到洛杉矶飞行要多久时间?

2.   Well, it’s supposed to be five hours, but sometimes it’s longer. 嗯,大概要五小时,但是有时候会稍久一点。

3.   I’d like to make a reservation to Rome for tomorrow. 我想预订明天飞往罗马的机票。

4.   I can give you a reservation on that. 我可以帮你预定那个航班的座位。

5.   How much is the round-trip ticket from Sydney to Cape Town? 从雪梨到开普敦的来回机票要多少钱?

6.   The one-way ticket from London to Barcelona is 80 USD if you book early. 从伦敦到巴塞隆纳的单程机票提早预定的话是80美金。

7.   Is that a non-stop flight? 那是直达的航班吗?

8.   There’s no direct flight to Kathmandu from Barcelona. 从巴塞隆纳到加德满都没有直飞的航班。

9.   You need to transfer in London. 你需要在伦敦转机。

10.I’d like to travel first class someday. 有一天我想要搭乘头等舱。

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  • jackyc_9a

    how long