8月30日英语:因友人反美言论 哈佛新生入境遭拒Harvard freshman turned away

8月30日英语:因友人反美言论 哈佛新生入境遭拒Harvard freshman turned away


Britain suspends parliament

Queen Elizabeth II announced Wednesday she has given her consent to the request of Prime Minister Boris Johnson to suspend the British Parliament. The prime minister met with the Queen on Wednesday morning to request that she shuts down Parliament on Sept 9, just days after members return from their summer break, until Oct 14, just two weeks before the Brexit deadline on Oct 31. 

The move appeared designed to limit the opportunity for Members of Parliament to press ahead with their plans to prevent Johnson from leaving the European Union on Oct 31 without a deal.

Harvard freshman turned away

An incoming Harvard freshman was quizzed about friends' social media posts and ultimately turned away by immigration officials after touching down at Boston's airport Friday. Ismail Ajjawi, a 17-year-old Palestinian who lives in Lebanon, said he had his visa canceled after hours of questioning by an immigration official. 

"After the 5 hours ended, she called me into a room, and she started screaming at me," Ajjawi said in a statement. "She said that she found people posting political points of view that oppose the US on my friends list." He added that he has no posts on his own timeline that touch on politics. Harvard said it was working to get Ajjawi into the country.


Tu up for prestigious award


Chinese scientist Tu Youyou, winner of the 2015 Nobel Prize for the discovery of artemisinin, a group of drugs used to combat malaria, has been nominated for China's Medal of the Republic. A selection of candidates for the national medal and an honorary title will be held for the first time in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC). 


The Medal of the Republic is the country's highest honor for prominent figures who have made great contributions to the construction and development of the PRC. Besides Tu, seven other role models have been nominated for the honor, including Yuan Longping, a Chinese agricultural expert who is also called the "father of hybrid rice". Another 28 figures have been nominated for the national honorary title.


Smartphone sales decline


Global smartphone sales decreased 1.7% year-on-year in the second quarter of 2019 to 368 million units, down from 374 million units in the same period last year, research and advisory firm Gartner said on Wednesday. The world's top five vendors are Samsung, Huawei, Apple, Xiaomi, and OPPO. 


Among the top 5, Huawei and Samsung saw the biggest growth, with sales increases of 16.5% and 3.8%, respectively. Total smartphone shipments in the Chinese market were 101 million units in the second quarter, up 0.5% year-on-year. Global smartphone sales will remain weak for the rest of the year, Gartner said. 


In 2019, global smartphone sales will reach 1.5 billion units. Moreover, sales of high-end smartphones will decline faster than other types, and smartphone makers are copying the high-end features of their flagship phones to lower-end models to attract users to renew their phones, Gartner said.


  • 爱吃草莓的哈尼酱


  • 李仙姑姑哇

    最爱Charley 当初就是被她的声音吸引的

  • ans741

    听china daily 第二天,听了四遍都没听懂

    风在动_Mh 回复 @ans741: 哈哈,继续1加油

  • 1叶扁zhou


  • 海岛第一深情和平精英


  • 耕读船家

  • XDDDD_5o


  • XDDDD_5o


  • 李仙姑姑哇

    day 45

  • JohnBlu


    纯金老佛爷 回复 @JohnBlu: 经常会这样的