02 埃航空难,为什么中国被点赞【精讲版】

02 埃航空难,为什么中国被点赞【精讲版】


Boeing Scrambles to Contain Fallout From Deadly Ethiopia Crash

Similarities to a recent crash in Indonesia provoked concern among carriers, pilots, flight attendants and passengers.

More than a dozen airlines grounded the 737 Max 8, but the F.A.A. said it did not have enough information to take action.

The governments of China and Indonesia grounded the new version of Boeing's most popular jet on Monday, as the American aerospace giant scrambled to deal with the fallout from a deadly plane crash in Ethiopia.

It was the second time in a matter of months that this model, the 737 Max 8, crashed just minutes after an erratic takeoff, leaving Boeing and safety regulators around the globe racing to determine what went wrong and whether the plane is safe to fly.

At least 20 airlines around the world have grounded their 737 Max 8 planes, largely in China and Indonesia. In all, more than 140 of the roughly 350 new jets that were in service have been pulled from use.




十几家航空公司已停飞737 Max8,但美国联邦航空局表示,他们目前没有足够的理由采取措施。


仅仅几个月里,这是第二次737 Max 8客机在起飞几分钟后坠毁,波音和全球的安全监管机构都在争分夺秒调查事故原因,以及该机型是否还能安全飞行。

全球至少有20家航空公司已经停飞737 Max8,主要在中国和印度尼西亚。在总共约350架投入使用的新型客机中,有140多架已经停飞。



scramble /'skræmb(ə)l/ v. 艰难地完成,仓促凑成

to try to do something difficult very quickly

• They were scrambling to give the impression that the situation was in control. 他们急于给人一种形势已得到控制的印象。


fallout /'fɔːlaʊt/ n. (核爆炸或核事故后的)辐射微尘;(不良)后果

the results of a particular event, especially when they are unexpected

• The political fallout of the affair cost him his job. 这一事件的政治影响使他丢了工作。


attendant  /əˈtendənt/ n. 服务员,侍者;

someone whose job is to look after or help customers in a public place

• On each side stands an attendant. 每侧都站一个服务员。


aerospace /ˈeərəʊspeɪs/ n. 航空宇宙;航空航天空间

the industry that designs and builds aircraft and space vehicles

• employment in the aerospace industry 航空航天业的工作


regulator /'regjʊleɪtə/ n. 调整者;监管者

a person or organization appointed by a government to regulate an area of activity such as banking or industry

•  An independent regulator will be appointed to ensure fair competition. 


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