[详解] 英语四级单词磨耳朵(321-340)|每天打卡,跟我背单词

[详解] 英语四级单词磨耳朵(321-340)|每天打卡,跟我背单词



2022/8/30 重新制作更新

321. violet:/ˈvaɪəlɪt/ n. 紫罗兰;蓝紫色;紫罗兰色;adj. 紫罗兰色的;蓝紫色的【beautiful violet eyes 美丽的紫罗兰色眼睛】

322. altogether:/ˌɔːltəˈɡeðər/ adv. (用以强调)完全,全然,全部【an old custom that has vanished altogether 已经完全消失的古老习俗 // Congress could ban the procession altogether. 国会可以完全禁止游行。// In Canada, the situation is altogether different. 在加拿大,情况完全不同。// This latest problem is altogether more serious. 这个最新的问题更为严重。// I wasn't altogether happy about Mike staying over. 对于Mike留下来,我不太开心。// The results were not altogether surprising. 结果并不完全令人惊讶。】;(表示总数或总额)总共,一共【There were five people altogether. 一共有五个人。// How much do I owe you altogether? 我总共欠你多少钱?】;总之;总而言之【Lots of sunshine, wonderful food, and amazing nightlife – altogether a great vacation!  阳光明媚,食物美味,夜生活精彩——总之,这是一个很棒的假期!】

323. speculate:/ˈspekjəleɪt/ v. 推测;猜测;推断【Jones refused to speculate about what might happen. 琼斯拒绝猜测可能会发生什么。// Some analysts speculated that jobs will be lost. 一些分析人士推测,就业机会将会流失。】;投机;做投机买卖【He speculated in stocks. 他炒股。】

324. belong:/bɪˈlɒŋ/ v. 应在…(地方);应在(某处)【Put the chair back where it belongs. 把椅子放回原处。// Where do these plates belong (= where are they kept) ? 这些盘子该放在哪里? // Are you sure these documents belong together? 你肯定这些文件应放在一起吗?】;适应;合得来【I don't feel as if I belong here. 我在这里感觉格格不入。】

325. soccer:/ˈsɒkə/,/ˈsɑːkər/ n. 英式足球,足球 =(美式常用 football

326. insurance:/ɪnˈʃʊərəns/ n. 保险;保险业【insurance against loss of income due to unemployment 失业收入损失保险 // Do you have insurance on your house and its contents? 你的房子和里面的东西有保险吗?// My brother works in insurance. 我兄弟在保险公司工作。】;保险费;保费【How much is the insurance on your car? 你汽车的保险费是多少?】;(防备不测的)保障措施,安全保证【An extra lock on the door is an added insurance against burglars. 门上多加一把锁是防止窃贼的额外保障。】

327. insure:/ɪnˈʃʊər/  (英式拼写为ensure) v. 投保;给…保险【Have you insured the contents of your home? 你给家里的东西买了保险吗?// It is wise to insure your property against storm damage. 为你的财产投保暴风雨损坏险是明智的。// You should insure the painting for at least £100,000. 你应该为这幅画投保至少10万英镑。】;为(某人或某物)提供保险;承保【Many companies won't insure young drivers. 许多公司不会为年轻司机投保。】

328. embassy:/ˈembəsi/ n.大使馆;大使馆全体人员,使馆馆员【the American Embassy in Paris 美国驻巴黎大使馆 // We used to be friendly with some people who worked at the Swedish Embassy. 我们曾经和瑞典大使馆的一些工作人员关系非常友好。】

329. writing:/ˈraɪtɪŋ/ n. (书写或印刷的)文字【What does the writing on the back say? 背面写着什么?// a T-shirt with Japanese writing on it 印有日本文字的T恤衫】;著作;文字作品;文章【Some of his most powerful writing is based on his childhood experiences. 他的一些最有影响力的作品是基于他的童年经历。】;(专职)写作;著书立说【In 1991 she retired from politics and took up writing as a career. 1991年,她从政界退休,以写作为职业。】;笔迹;字迹;书法【Your writing is very neat. 你的字迹很工整。】;写;书写;写作【At this age we concentrate on the children's reading and writing skills.  在这个年龄段,我们专注于儿童的阅读和写作技能。】

330. band:/bænd/ n. 乐队,流行音乐乐队【The band was playing old Beatles songs. 乐队在演奏披头士的老歌。// They formed a band when they were still at school. 他们还在学校时就组了一个乐队。】;一伙人;一帮人【a small band of volunteers 一小批志愿者】;(数目、年龄、价格等的)范围,段【Interest rates stayed within a relatively narrow band. 利率保持在相对狭窄的区间内。// people within the $20,000–$30,000 income band 收入范围在2万至3万美元的人】;带,细绳;箍【a wrist band 腕带 // a red silk band 红丝带】;条纹;条饰【The birds have a distinctive blue band round their eyes. 这些鸟的眼睛周围有一条独特的蓝色条纹。】 

331. setting:/ˈsetɪŋ/ n. 位置;环境【Cyprus is the perfect setting for a beach holiday. 塞浦路斯是海滩度假的理想场所。】;(小说、电影、戏剧等的)情节背景【Verona is best known as the setting for two of Shakespeare's plays. Verona以做为莎士比亚两部戏剧的背景而闻名。// I try to visualise the setting while I'm reading the novel. 当我读小说时,我试着想象故事背景。】;(机器或电子设备的)调控装置【The heating system was already on its highest setting. 加热系统已经调到最高档位了。】

332. suffer:/ˈsʌfər/ v. (因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受苦,受难,受折磨【At least he died suddenly and didn't suffer. 至少他是猝死了,没有受苦。// She's suffering a lot of pain. 她很痛苦。// Craig suffers from a rare bone disease. 克雷格患有一种罕见的骨病。// The writer suffered from ill health for most of his life. 这位作家一生大部分时间身体都不好。】;经历,经受,遭受(坏事);蒙受【Most of us have suffered the consequences of stupid decisions taken by others. 我们大多数人都承受过他人愚蠢决定的后果。// In June 1667, England suffered a humiliating defeat by the Dutch. 1667年6月,英国被荷兰人羞辱性地击败。// He suffered head injuries in the crash. 他在车祸中头部受伤。// Small businesses have suffered financially during the recession. 小企业在经济衰退期间蒙受了经济损失。】;变差;变糟【Safety might suffer if costs are cut. 如果削减成本,安全可能会变差。// I'm worried and my work is beginning to suffer. 我很担心,我的工作开始变糟。】

333. sheet:/ʃiːt/ n. 床单【I'll go and find you some clean sheets and blankets. 我去给你找些干净的床单和毯子。】;一张纸【a sheet of paper with names and numbers on it 上面有名字和数字的一张纸】;一大片(覆盖物)【A sheet of ice covered the lake. 湖面上覆盖着一层冰。】;一大片,一大堆,一大摊(移动的东西)(通常指水或火)【Sheets of flame shot into the air. 一片片火焰喷向空中。// The rain was coming down in sheets. 大雨倾盆而下。】

334. chart:/tʃɑːrt/ n. 图表;海图;每周流行唱片排行榜【She put together a chart showing the number of cars sold each month. 她整理了一张图表,显示每月售出的汽车数量。// a naval chart 海军航图 // The album went straight into the charts at number 1. 这张专辑一进入每周流行唱片排行榜便占首位。】; v. 记录,详细记录,仔细观察,跟踪(进展或发展)【Scientists have been charting temperature changes in the oceans. 科学家们一直在记录追踪海洋温度变化。】;计划行动步骤;制订计划【Each team was responsible for making its own decisions and charting its own course. 每个团队都有责任做出自己的决定并制定自己的路线。】;用图表表示;标示【We need some sort of graph on which we can chart our progress. 我们需要那种可以在上面标出我们进展的图表。】

335. cancel:/ˈkænsəl/ v.取消;终止;撤销;删去【Our flight was cancelled. 我们的航班取消了。】

336. abuse:/əˈbjuːs/ n. 虐待【Many children suffer racial abuse at school. 许多儿童在学校遭受种族虐待。// An independent committee will look into alleged human rights abuses. 一个独立委员会将调查指称的侵犯人权行为。】;滥用;妄用【A self-monitoring tax system is clearly open to abuse (=able to be used wrongly). 自我监管的税收制度显然容易被滥用。// I never expected that he would abuse the trust I placed in him. 我从未料到他会利用我对他的信任。】;辱骂;毁谤;恶语【The crowd started abusing him after he failed to save a goal. 他没有守住球门,丢了一分,观众开始对他破口大骂。】;v. 虐待;性虐待;伤害【She was sexually abused as a child. 她小时候受到过性虐待。】;滥用,妄用(权力、所知所闻)【Morris abused the trust the firm had shown in him. Morris滥用了公司对他的信任。// The proportion of drinkers who abuse alcohol is actually quite small. 酗酒者的比例实际上相当小。<abuse alcohol 酗酒者,酒鬼/ abuse drugs 瘾君子,吸毒者>】;辱骂;毁谤【The referee had been threatened and abused. 裁判遭到了恐吓和谩骂。】

337. gaze:/ɡeɪz/ v. 凝视;注视;盯着【Nell was still gazing out of the window. Nell仍然凝视着窗外。// Patrick sat gazing into space (=looking straight in front, not at any particular person or thing). Patrick坐在那里凝视着前方。】;n. 凝视;注视【She felt embarrassed under his steady gaze. 在他的凝视下,她感到很尴尬。// Ellen smiled uncomfortably and lowered her gaze. 埃伦不安地笑了笑,垂下了眼睛。// He didn't dare to meet her gaze. 他不敢正视她的目光。】

338. monetary:/ˈmʌnətəri/,/ˈmɑːnəteri/ adj. 货币的;钱的(尤指一国的金融)【the government's tight monetary policy 政府紧缩的货币政策 // objects of little monetary value 价值不大的物品 // Gold was once the basis of the US monetary system. 黄金曾经是美国货币体系的基础。// The International Monetary Fund works to foster global monetary cooperation. 国际货币基金组织致力于促进全球货币合作。】

339. false:/fɔːls/ adj. 非天生的;人造的;人工的;假的【false eyelashes 假睫毛 // false teeth 假牙】;虚假的;伪造的【The drugs were hidden in a suitcase with a false bottom. 毒品藏在一个有假底的手提箱里。// The man had given a false name and address. 那人报了假名字和假地址。】;错误的;不正确的;不真实的【Please decide whether the following statements are true or false. 请判断以下陈述是否正确。<在表示'不正确的,错误的'的意思时,在日常英语中,比起用'false',人们更常用'not true',如:What he said was false. → What he said was not true.> // I don't want to give you any false hopes. 我不想给你任何虚假的希望。// The statement gives us a false impression that we understand something when we do not. 这句话给了我们一个错误的印象,以为我们理解了一些东西,而其实我们不理解。】;不真诚的;虚情假意的【She's so false. 她太虚伪了。// ‘You played brilliantly.’ ‘Not really, ’ Ian replied with false modesty. “你打得很精彩。”“没有没有,”伊恩假谦虚地回答。】

340. thrive:/θraɪv/ v. 茁壮成长;兴旺,繁荣【plants that thrive in tropical rain forests 生长在热带雨林中的植物 // a business which managed to thrive during a recession 在经济衰退期间成功发展的企业】<在日常英语中,比起'thrive',人们更常用'do well',如:The whole family seems to be doing well.>

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    writing 书写,印刷的文字,著作,文字作品,专职写作,著书立说,字迹,笔记,书法,血,书写,写作

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    violet altogethrr speculate writing band setting suffer sheet chart cancel abuse gaze. monitary false thrive

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