【和Emily一起练口语】go for it

【和Emily一起练口语】go for it




  • 听友46887340

    怎么现在都没文本了呢,虽然关注了公众号,但是很麻烦的撒~主播 求老模式

    梨子_82s 回复 @听友46887340: 公众号里怎么找文本啊?

  • 少华冰果儿

    everyone had advised me not to do it , but I decided to take the change and go for it. if you want to be a teacher , why don't you go for it. I want to chase Mary , but I 've got be nervous. if you really like her , don't be shame , just go for it.

    听友227934119 回复 @少华冰果儿: a bit

  • 听友56697683


  • 匣子里的木木殿下

    everyone had advised me not to do it , but I decided to take the chance and go for it. if you want to be a teacher , why don't you go for it. I want to chase Mary , but I 've got a bit nervous. if you really like her , don't be shy, just go for it.

  • 英语主播Emily

    获取节目文本,欢迎关注微信公众号:英语主播Emily 晚上七点准时推送

    仙蒂蒂 回复 @英语主播Emily:

  • Sara123

    everyone had advised me not to do it , but I decided to take the chance and go for it. if you want to be a teacher , why don't you go for it? I want to chase Mary , but I 've got a bit nervous. if you really like her , don't be shy , just go for it.

  • 听友58189931


  • 听友403730810

    go for it,努力争取;加油! everyone had advised me not to do it , but I decided to take the chance and go for it. if you want to be a teacher , why don't you go for it? A:I want to chase Mary , but I 've got a bit nervous. B:if you really like her , don't be shy , just go for it.

  • greace


  • 1837902whin
