Is time travel real?穿越时空只是白日做梦吗?

Is time travel real?穿越时空只是白日做梦吗?

Is time travel real?
Time travel is really cool!You can change the past. And you can find out what will happen in the future. But is time travel just in sci-fi film?Or is it real?
People might travel to the future some day. But we have to make a special spaceship first. The spaceship has to be as fast as the light. When you travel at that speed,time goes slower for you than it does for people on earth. For example,you spend seven days on spaceship. But people on Earth spend 100 years. When you go back to earth,you are in the future.
What about traveling to the past?Scientists are not sure. But some believe going through a black hole might be one way to do this. Things around black holes disappear into the holes. But things cannot disappear for no reason. So they must go to another space. The past may be in that space.

Word Bank

1. time travel 穿越时空
2. future n 未来
3. sci-fi science fiction 科幻
4. real adj 真实的
5. spaceship 宇宙飞船
6. as fast as the light 和光速一样快
7. black hole 黑洞
8. disappear v 消失
9. space n 空间
