


后生可畏 [ hòu shēng kě wèi ]


【近义词】 大器晚成 少年老成
【反义词】 乳臭未干 少不更事 乳臭未除
【英译】A youth is to be regarded with respect -- the younger generation will surpass the older./A ragged colt may make a good horse./An after-born should be feared./Every oak has been an acorn./Juniors are to be respected./There is no limits to the youngster's promise./The rising generation is to be reckoned with./The young deserve to be treated with respect./The young are to be regarded with awe./Youth are to be regarded with respect.

Learning Chinese
Upon seeing Confucius, he said, "You are well-known for your willingness to learn, and that's quite beyond me. "

At 35 years old, not half of my life, he has achieved such accomplishments and enjoyed a strong life tension of art, which I exclaim in great surprise.

When several generations of entrepreneurial heroes stand side by side, and immediately, Yin Mingshan, Liu Chuanzhi have a certain feeling and delight in Ma's ability;

Though I am far from an old man, I have to say that the younger generation is always awesome.

Teachers are to be respected and an after-born should be feared. This has become the saying of human evolution, of the society and morality.

Chinese version


English version

Confucius was traveling when he met three children; two of them were playing, and the other was standing beside them. Confucius felt strange and asked the child standing why he didn't play together. The child seriously replied: "Intense fighting can kill people's lives; pulling and pushing play can also hurt the body; So I don't want to play with them. What's so strange about that?"
After a few moments, the child piled into a castle with the earth; he sat inside it for a long time without coming out, being in the way of Confucius. Confucius couldn't help but ask, “You're still sitting in it; why don't you keep away from the car?” “I've only heard that the car has to go around the city, I've never heard of the castle has to avoid the car!" the child said. Confucius was very surprised, thinking such a small child could say something great, and he was sure to be somebody later, so he praised him and said: "You are so young, but know quite a lot." The child replied: "I hear people say after a fish is born, in three days it can swim; after a rabbit is born, in three days it can run on the ground; and after a horse is born, in three days it can walk with his mother. These things are quite natural. Is there anything to do with age?" Confucius could not help but sigh and say: "Well, I now know that the young people are really great!"

