音乐可以成为强大的治疗方式 Music can be a powerful healer

音乐可以成为强大的治疗方式 Music can be a powerful healer


The late Canadian songwriter-poet Leonard Cohen alludes to the power of music in his uplifting song "Hallelujah" when he tells of a "secret chord" that pleased the heavens.

加拿大已故歌手和诗人Leonard Cohen曾在歌曲Hallelujah中写道,取悦主的神秘和弦,暗示了音乐的力量。

Music, that mysterious force that's unleashed as sound becomes melody, has kept most of us afloat at one time or another during times of trouble.


For a reminder of music's healing nature, you need only watch—and listen—to the video of the brave young Chinese girl who lives in perpetual darkness.


You'd have to be made of Easter Island stone not to be moved by the story of 8-year-old Evie Hurst, whose tiny voice quivers with fear when, faced with a frightening ordeal, she finds strength through singing.

除非你是铁石心肠,否则八岁的Evie Hurst的故事,绝对会让你感动。她被恐惧折磨,却从歌唱中找到了力量。

Evie, you see, was born without eyes. She was adopted in China by an American couple at the age of 4 when, according to adoptive mother Katie Hurst, the girl "was failing to thrive for unknown reasons".

Evie出生在中国,天生没有眼球。一对美国夫妇在她四岁时收养了她。妻子Katie Hurst说,某种莫名的原因让她爱上了这个女孩。

In a video her mother made this year, and which has since gone viral, Evie is restrained in a gurney while being prepared for a brain scan after having suspected seizures.


As nurses prep the frightened young girl—I should mention that her dread of doctors and hospitals had caused a panic attack shortly beforehand—her mother encourages Evie to sing. So the trembling youngster clears her throat and, feebly at first, sings the opening lines of her favorite song, Scars to Your Beautiful by Alessia Cara.


"She just wants to be beautiful. She goes unnoticed, she knows no limits," the youngster begins with a grimace. "Oh, she don't see the light that's shining. Deeper than the eyes can find it."


Then, as Evie struggles to maintain her brave face, a music therapist who'd been summoned to the room to comfort her begins to accompany the girl, singing softly while gently strumming a guitar.


The effect is magical. Evie's voice grows stronger: "But there's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark. You should know you're beautiful just the way you are."


Little Evie serves as a reminder that simple music, healing music, wields a power far beyond the physics involved. It can carry us through crisis, inspire us, bring tears or laughter, and even transport us back to special moments long past.


Music also brings us together, no matter our background or tastes. In a euphoric encounter the first time I went to Roots Reggae bar at Houhai Lake in Beijing, I watched as the house band, whose members hailed from the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, shifted from reggae songs to the enchanting, gypsy-influenced folk music of their region. In that moment, music became a bridge of friendship and understanding.

无论背景和品位,音乐将人们团结在一起。我第一次去北京后海的Roots Reggae酒吧时,看到演奏雷鬼音乐的维族乐队,开始表演维族的民歌。

Evie's mother knows just how powerful and transformative music can be. In a posting on a GoFundMe account set up to help pay for her daughter's medical expenses as well as her music therapy, which isn't covered by insurance, she writes:


When "we adopted Evie…  (she) could not eat or drink without assistance. But here is the magic and miracle—one day she sang to me and her sister. And our eyes got really big when we heard her obvious talent. It was then that we knew she had the fight in her to make it out of this."


Though music's magic cannot be quantified—it's like a mist you try to grab, only to open your hand and find there's nothing there—we nonetheless owe musicians our unending gratitude. From the stars performing on concert stages to the street buskers to the therapists helping to lift the spirits of Evie and countless others, musicians, rich or poor, popular or unknown, all carry on the noble minstrel tradition.


Evie's journey on the road to healing continues, meanwhile, and her mother says the youngster is learning to play guitar. Let's hope she'll continue to inspire us.


  • 木易EsT涵yu

    就如 华晨宇 的歌一样 治愈心灵 找到共鸣

    我要争气啊 回复 @木易EsT涵yu: 啊~火星人哈哈!reggae

  • O_o7

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