奥兰多·布鲁姆 | 讲述自己的佛教修行

奥兰多·布鲁姆 | 讲述自己的佛教修行


Hello, yeah, I’m Orlando Bloom. I’m an actor, I’m a father. I was living in London. And I was, I was sort of racing through life. I was very inquisitive, very excited, and very, and full of the youthful vigor for life. Which I still have, fortunately, cos I still have my practice.


My exams were coming upon me and for my one of my exams I had to paint and draw. I was in the sculpture exam, so I went every weekend for about two months. And I would be in the other room painting, he set me up with an easel, and he was sort of teaching me and I would hear him in the other room Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, Nam-myoho-renge-kyo...


And one day I just walked into the other room and I said so, what are you doing? And he said, well I am chanting that you are going to be very successful in your exams, and that you are going to have a very successful life. And I said” Well will it help?” And he said” Yeah”, and I said”great”. So I got down on my knees, and I begun to chant.


And that was my first encounter with the practice. And I then, used my daimoku, I was going through this exam. I had a-15-hour oil painting exam. I remember painting a whale bone and a lemon and I would look at this whale bone and lemons, and I had these oil paints and I’d be painting it, and I’d be like at one point I would look at it and go what I am doing?


I’d nip to the toilet with my beads, sitting there, bash my beads and chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. Come back to the painting below, okay, carry on with it. Needless to say I got, you know, actually I got one of the highest grades and they asked if they could keep my work, because they wanted to keep it as an example of the highest grade for the next year, and I was like wow!


So there was actual proof for me, and I thought about, you know, how I sort of saw my life, and how throughout these years of really unusual circumstances of being a young actor who was really notable and was really thrust into public eye without the tools to know how to cope often, and how grateful I was for the practice to. I’ve been and anchor for me through those years, and through that period.


And at the same time, grateful and realised in that moment, and I think as many of the moments of our encounters sort of did, sort of slowly, settle. That it was about, it was about authenticity. It was a really an encouraging moment of embrace your own authenticity, and I never forget that. And I recall that Sensei, was encouraging me to take the challenge everyday, to win. And life is an eternal battle for our success and victory.


I recognise more than ever the importance of starting that engine every morning with daimoku, embracing the day with the optimism and possibility that daimoku gives me. That feeling of anything is possible and total victory is, the goal. It’s about being yourself and the best version, the most authentic version of yourself.


  • SwiftSummer


  • 打瞌睡的鹿


  • 周啦

    佛教 !!!真的吗!!?

  • BUCKYbear


  • 1826177vvhn
