英语专业四级 专项突破(听写)Passage 4

英语专业四级 专项突破(听写)Passage 4


[00:07.90]Passage 4
[00:12.64]Listen to the following passage. 
[00:15.17]Altogether the passage 
[00:16.85]will be read to you four times. 
[00:19.91]During the first reading, 
[00:21.70]which will be done at normal speed, 
[00:24.59]listen and try to understand the meaning. 
[00:28.37]For the second and third readings, 
[00:30.62]the passage, except the first sentence, 
[00:33.73]will be read sentence by sentence, 
[00:36.37]or phrase by phrase, 
[00:38.49]with intervals of fifteen seconds. 
[00:42.19]The last reading will be done at normal speed again 
[00:46.32]and during this time you should check your work. 
[00:49.99]You will then be given ONE minute 
[00:52.74]to check through your work once more.
[00:55.76]Write on ANSWER SHEET ONE. 
[00:58.33]The first sentence of the passage 
[01:00.55]is already provided.
[01:02.95]Now, listen to the passage.
[01:05.73]Measuring Pain Level Is Difficult
[01:08.53]Scientists have long known that 
[01:10.39]pain's intensity is difficult to measure  
[01:13.55]because people experience pain differently. 
[01:16.70]The pain one person rates as seven, for example, /
[01:20.07]might be four to someone 
[01:21.95]who is more tolerant of pain. / 

  • 听友249211818
  • 1843292vzbk

    The pain one person rates as 7, for example, might be 4 to someone whois more tolerant of pain,these differences make it difficult to show how well new medicines to ease pain really work,the question is especially important,because of the,increasing misuse of pain killing drugs in some countries

    听友348793439 回复 @1843292vzbk: 谢谢你啊

  • 安济夫人_x2

    These differences make it difficult to show how well new medicines to ease pain really work. The question is especially important, because of the increasing misuse of painkilling drugs in some countries.这是余下的答案

    听友348793439 回复 @安济夫人_x2: 谢谢!

  • 热爱学习的你


  • 听友221959445
  • Abig听书人

    for example, might be four to someone who is more tolerant of pain. These differences make it difficult to show how well new medicines to ease pain really work.The question is especially important because of the increasing and deadly misuse of painkilling drugs in some country.

    labels 回复 @西泠向晚: painkilling

    西泠向晚 回复 @Abig听书人: increasing misuse of pain-killing drugs in some countries

    白浪屿 回复 @Abig听书人: 求教
