Lesson 4

Lesson 4


[00:01.02]Lesson 4
[00:03.42]consist vi. (of)构成;(in)在于
[00:07.43]Happiness does not consist in 
[00:09.55]how many possessions you own.
[00:17.25]reservation n. 预订;保留;居留地
[00:23.13]If you want to have dinner on Valentine's Day 
[00:26.11]in a Western style restaurant,
[00:28.28]you'd better make reservations earlier.
[00:38.96]priority n. 优先;优先考虑的事
[00:44.32]Playing basketball takes/has priority over other activities 
[00:49.38]in Yao Ming's life.
[00:56.80]massive a. 大的;大量的
[01:01.37]Doctors discourage massive doses of painkillers.
[01:09.86]appliance n. 器具
[01:13.71]Household electrical appliances made in China are very popular.
[01:25.03]penetrate v. 渗入;刺穿;洞察
[01:30.91]The arrow penetrated through the target just in the centre.
[01:38.87]reward n. 报答,奖赏;酬金 vt. 报答,奖励
[01:44.33]Good people will eventually be rewarded./
[01:47.93]Good people will eventually get good reward.
[01:54.71]sequence n. 连续,一连串;次序
[02:00.23]New employees had to attend a sequence 
[02:02.72]of orientation meetings.
[02:10.92]opponent n. 对手;反对者
[02:14.71]Someone has said that there's no eternal friend 
[02:17.55]or opponent in the business circle.
[02:27.83]motivate vt. 激励
[02:30.60]Do you think examinations 
[02:32.38]can motivate a student to seek more knowledge?
[02:42.70]vivid a. 生动的;鲜艳的
[02:46.45]I gave my friends a vivid description 
[02:48.72]of my journey in Tibet with pictures.
[02:57.90]modify vt. 修改;修饰
[03:02.40]Although it has been greatly modified,
[03:05.19]the game known in the U.S.
[03:06.90]as football can be traced directly to the English game of rugby.
[03:22.54]acute a. 严重的;敏锐的;急性的;尖的
[03:28.85]Sherlock Holmes was a man of acute observation,
[03:33.31]and he wouldn't omit any detail.
[03:44.68]recession n. 衰退,衰退期
[03:49.23]Various measures were taken to pull the country out of recession.
[04:00.42]slip vi. 滑;溜走;下降 
[04:06.15]vt. 悄悄放进 n. 疏漏
[04:09.09]The years slipped by.
[04:15.73]confine vt. 限制;使不外出 n. (pl.)界限
[04:20.93]Many places are worth visiting within the confines of China,
[04:25.28]so why bother to rush to foreign countries? 
[04:37.18]limitation n. 限制;(常pl.)局限
[04:41.70]He is a brilliant professor 
[04:43.98]but has his limitations as an administrator.
[04:54.24]deceive vt. 欺骗
[04:57.02]Sincerity is the base of friendship.
[05:00.00]Good friends shouldn't deceive one another.
[05:10.92]incident n. 发生的事;事件
[05:15.12]The Xi'an Incident was a very important turning point 
[05:18.87]in China's modern history.
[05:27.96]suck v. 吸,吮
[05:31.55]Plants suck up moisture from the soil.
[05:38.79]attribute vt. (to)把…归因于 n. 属性
[05:43.65]Many people's success 
[05:45.69]can be attributed to hard work and a bit of luck.
[05:55.91]strengthen vt. 加强,巩固
[05:59.75]Your words strengthened my heart.
[06:06.48]finance n. 财政;(常pl.)资金 
[06:09.86]vt. 为…提供资金
[06:13.11]Finances can consist of a combination of stocks,
[06:17.27]bonds, and properties.
[06:26.21]subsequent a. 随后的
[06:30.10]Most countries in Europe were in a mess 
[06:32.98]during the period subsequent to World War II.
[06:43.53]discard vt. 抛弃
[06:46.68]Outdated theory should be discarded.
[06:54.01]relevant a. 有关的,切题的
[06:58.50]It's said that a person's fate 
[07:00.38]is relevant to his character.
[07:07.00]resistance n. 反抗;抵抗力;阻力,电阻
[07:14.38]The environmentalists put up 
[07:16.10]lots of resistance to fur-clothing companies.
[07:25.42]preliminary a. 初步的 n. (常pl.)初步做法
[07:30.01]They were very excited 
[07:31.42]because they had passed the preliminary interview with IBM.
[07:43.51]assign vt. 选派;指定;分配
[07:48.68]The competent secretary was assigned 
[07:51.10]to take the minutes for the meeting of the board of directors.
[08:01.82]indispensable a. (to, for)必不可少的
[08:05.96]Air and water are indispensable to life.
[08:14.57]instinct n. 本能
[08:17.61]Struggling for survival is a human instinct.
[08:25.09]historical a. 历史(上)的
[08:29.59]Pocahontas is a real historical American Indian figure,
[08:35.08]but the Hollywood cartoon movie-
[08:37.10]Pocahontas has twisted the historical facts about her.
[08:55.91]miracle  n. 奇迹
[08:58.49]Every time a baby is born,
[09:00.55]the miracle of life is renewed.
[09:09.17]protest n. 抗议,反对 v. 抗议,反对
[09:13.61]There was a large crowd in the square,
[09:16.01]protesting against the war.
[09:23.43]smash vt. 粉碎;猛击;使失败 vi. 粉碎;猛撞 
[09:30.59]n. 破碎(声);猛击;轰动的演出,巨大的成功
[09:36.75]The Beatles had many smash hits in the 1960s.
[09:48.21]receipt n. 发票,收据;(pl.)收入;收到
[09:55.43]The pop singer got huge cash receipts from his concert.
[10:05.52]exclaim v. 呼喊,惊叫
[10:09.77]The moment Samaranch announced 
[10:11.94]that the 2008 Olympiad would go to the city of Beijing,
[10:16.85]all Chinese people exclaimed in delight.
[10:32.67]gross a. 总的;严重的;粗俗的;臃肿的 
[10:38.73]vt. 获得…总收入
[10:41.07]GDP stands for Gross Domestic Product.
[10:50.26]readily ad. 乐意地;容易地;很快地
[10:55.17]A successful businessman 
[10:56.53]should be able to readily accommodate himself 
[10:59.72]to the changed economic conditions.
[11:09.64]drift vi. 漂流;漂泊 
[11:13.89]n. 漂流;大意;趋势
[11:16.53]deliberate a. 蓄意的;深思熟虑的 v. 仔细考虑
[11:22.78]Was the car crash an accident 
[11:25.25]or a deliberate attempt to kill him? 
[11:34.97]dominate vt. 支配;耸立于 vi. 处于支配地位
[11:40.16]The team has dominated international football for years.
[11:49.69]compel vt. 强迫
[11:52.48]Because he is unable to distinguish colors,
[11:55.86]the color-blind boy is compelled 
[11:57.89]to give up the ideal of becoming a fashion designer.
[12:12.59]complaint n. 诉苦,抱怨;投诉;疾病
[12:17.49]He who makes constant complaints gets little compassion.
[12:26.69]constitute vt. 组成;设立,任命
[12:31.84]Listening, speaking, reading and writing 
[12:34.78]constitute the fundamental skills in language learning.
[12:46.25]impose vt. (on)把…强加于;征(税等)
[12:51.92]You can express your opinion,
[12:54.15]but don't try to impose your ideas on others.
[13:05.42]initial a. 开始的 n. (常pl.)(姓名等的)首字母
[13:12.61]If your family name is Chen,
[13:14.98]you had better not choose an English name 
[13:17.48]beginning with the letter W (for example, Winnie),
[13:21.77]otherwise your initials will be: W.C.!
[13:39.37]convey vt. 表达,传递;运送
[13:43.25]What information the codes in the big Pyramid 
[13:46.45]convey is still unknown.
[13:57.52]decent a. 体面的;宽厚的;得体的
[14:02.88]Most university graduates 
[14:05.20]consider white-collared positions as decent jobs.
[14:16.42]objective n. 目标 a. 客观的
[14:20.87]If we could have objective judgment on others,
[14:24.46]there would be less misunderstanding among people.
[14:35.18]elegant a. 优美的,讲究的;简练的
[14:40.35]Princess Diana's elegant manners 
[14:43.05]are always within the memory of people.
[14:52.91]exceed vt. 超过
[14:55.99]Exceeding the speed limit in urban areas will be fined.
[15:05.19]confirm vt. 证实;确认;批准
[15:09.79]The President refused to either confirm or deny this rumor.
[15:20.00]enlarge v. 扩大;放大 
[15:23.84]In the course of English learning,
[15:26.27]doing more reading can help to enlarge one's vocabulary.
[15:37.44]fraction n. 小部分;分数
[15:41.43]Many young people today begin to use their future money 
[15:45.08]instead of a fraction of their earnings.
[15:58.88]consideration n. 考虑;体贴
[16:02.87]I leave it entirely to your kind consideration.
[16:10.57]locate vt. 探明,找出;使坐落于
[16:15.98]Most natural ports are located 
[16:18.40]where the shoreline is irregular and the water is deep.
[16:31.05]harness n. 马具 vt. 治理;给(马等)上挽具 
[16:36.96]The farmer harnessed the horse to the cart.
[16:44.24]exploit vt. 剥削;利用,开发 n. (常pl.)业绩
[16:50.72]The social freshmen 
[16:52.13]should exploit every opportunity to enrich their experience.
[17:03.92]crush vt. 压碎;镇压
[17:07.16]Time will crush all pains.
[17:14.23]preserve vt. 保护;保存;腌制
[17:19.39]You can preserve meat or fish in salt,
[17:22.98]but I prefer fresh meat to preserved meat.
[17:35.82]profession n. 职业;(the ~)同行;公开表示
[17:41.43]Teaching is a respectable profession.
[17:48.30]reinforce vt. 增强
[17:51.69]The evidence reinforces my view that he is lying.
[18:00.04]resign vi. 辞职 
[18:03.01]vt. 辞去,放弃;(to)使顺从
[18:06.20]I resigned because of the low salary.
[18:12.56]survey n. 调查;测量;全面审视 
[18:19.29]vt. 调查;测量;全面审视,概括论述
[18:21.11]The latest survey shows a majority 
[18:23.08]in support of government policy.
[18:31.97]agenda n. 议事日程 
[18:35.26]An agenda would include all major items 
[18:38.95]that need to be discussed at the meeting.
[18:48.60]assistance n. 援助 
[18:51.84]To paddle one's own canoe doesn't necessarily mean 
[18:56.24]denying any external assistance.
[19:06.61]behave vi. 表现;运转 
[19:10.70]vt. (oneself)检点(自己的)行为
[19:13.23]Tom behaved awfully 
[19:14.95]during his first date with that beautiful girl.
[19:26.27]flexible a. 易弯曲的;灵活的
[19:30.17]As we don't know what the weather will be like,
[19:33.14]we make flexible plans for our holiday.
[19:44.51]competitive a. 竞争的;好竞争的;有竞争力的
[19:50.77]Our offer is competitive 
[19:52.90]and we can't lower the price any more.
[20:02.62]presumably ad. 大概
[20:05.65]The personnel manager should have arrived.
[20:08.38]Presumably, the bad weather delayed the flight.
[20:19.41]current a. 当前的;流行的 
[20:23.50]n. 潮流;电流;趋势
[20:26.88]Newspapers influence the current of thought.
[20:34.66]conservation n. 保存,保护
[20:38.81]People are more and more aware of the importance 
[20:41.63]of the conservation of wildlife.
[20:49.99]digest vt. 消化;吸收 n. 文摘
[20:55.95]Reader's Digest is a very popular magazine in the United States.
[21:06.57]entertainment n. 娱乐;款待
[21:11.37]Some people say that Stephen Chow's movies 
[21:14.16]cannot be regarded as mere entertainment 
[21:17.54]and that in fact they tell the audience much more.
[21:33.98]inspire vt. 鼓舞;给…以灵感
[21:39.53]The young musician had the example of Beethoven 
[21:43.02]to inspire and guide him.
[21:52.19]comprehension n. 理解(力)
[21:54.72]A large vocabulary will help much 
[21:57.95]when you are doing the reading comprehension.
[22:05.73]primitive a. 原始的,早期的;简单的 
[22:11.14]n. 原(始)人
[22:12.85]Small seashells were once used 
[22:15.12]as a primitive form of money.
[22:22.45]descend vi. 下来;(from)起源(于);
[22:27.04](on)袭击;(to)把身份降至 vt. 走下
[22:30.38]Buddhism descends from ancient India.
[22:36.94]prescribe vt. 开(药);规定
[22:40.93]A holiday is the best cure prescribed for the depression.

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